Chapter 2: You and Your Education


What’s Best for Me?

So, we know about the different delivery modes, but which one is best suited for you? Well, there is a lot that goes into that decision, and you really need to consider your own interests, abilities, and challenges. Go back to the strengths and weaknesses you noted earlier in this chapter and see if motivation, time management, and/or initiative are in your weakness or strength section. This may help you to determine a good delivery mode for you.  Be aware that not every course is available in every delivery mode. Also, consider that you do not have to take all of your classes in the same delivery mode when there are options available. If you have prior knowledge in a certain topic area, that may be a good course to take online since you may not need the same in-person support.

In general:

  • Face-to-face classes are usually the default option for most students. You are likely familiar with this delivery mode if you attended a typical public school in Canada, so you will understand the expectations easily.
  • Hybrid classes are great for students who need some of that face time with their peers and instructors but also like having some more flexibility and self-direction in their learning.
  • Online classes are great for people who live away from the campus, have a job, have dependents, or enjoy flexible learning. It will take more direction and motivation to complete an online class, but it can be a really great option for many students.

Activity: Delivery Quiz

Take the quiz for some insight into what delivery mode may suit you. Select the start button in the middle of the image to get started.

What were your results? Remember, whatever your results, you need to make the decision you feel is best for you. If you are trying a new delivery mode, test it with one course at first. Also, remember that every professor will organize their course differently, so don’t judge all deliveries on one experience.



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E.Y.E.S. at Seneca Copyright © 2024 by Michael Buzdon; Seneca Polytechnic Accessible Learning Services; and The Regional Assessment and Resource Centre (RARC) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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