Chapter 2: You and Your Education


Decorative Image of a student completing work via pen and paper at a desk that has a opened laptop on it.

No two people are the same, and no one is good at everything, especially not the first time they try something new! However, people who are successful know what they are good at, what they are not as good at, and where to go for help. Despite the best-laid plans, we cannot always control what happens. Not asking for help is like drowning because you assume no one else can swim.

Starting postsecondary is the beginning of a new stage where you are in the driver’s seat. Your family members and previous teachers have taught you how to drive, they may even have provided you with a general road map, but now you have to get on the road and navigate your own way. This is a long journey; you have several years to reach your destination. So take your time, explore a little, even get lost! It’s all part of discovering who you are and what you really want to do with your life.

Getting to Know Yourself Better

The first step in setting yourself up for success at Seneca is knowledge about yourself. Human beings are complex creatures. No two individuals are exactly alike. As such, every little detail about yourself adds to who you are as an individual. However, inversely, no little detail defines your being as a whole. While there is nothing wrong with recognizing how multifaceted you are as a person, it’s also important to remember that your overall character holds more weight than particular traits. As mentioned, having a strong sense of self can help you find success in both your educational and working careers. Below is a series of quizzes and YouTube videos to help you get to know yourself even better in different areas. Please take the time to watch the videos and complete the quizzes, as they appeal to you. No matter what result you receive, exploring, experimenting, learning and engaging in introspection are lifelong processes. Do not limit yourself!

Please note: There are many quizzes out there that can categorize you as per that particular group’s parameters, but these quizzes should not be your only defining element. One quiz will not perfectly summarize who you are, but if you use these tools appropriately, you can get to know yourself better and improve your self-awareness.

Choose from the quizzes and videos in the chart to learn more about your own strengths, challenges, personality styles, etc.

Interests: Careers that match your interests (Quiz)
Strengths: Careers that match your strengths (Quiz)
Personality: DISC Personality (Quiz)
16 Personalities (Quiz)
Multiple Intelligences:  Multiple Intelligences (Quiz)
Preferred Work Activities: How you work with data, people, and things (Quiz)
Work Values: Work Values (Quiz)

In addition to engaging in introspection, there are also external sources that you may consult to learn more about yourself for the benefit of your education and future.

Previous Performance Assessments

Performance assessments could be from previous schooling (report card, transcript, assignment feedback), from a job (yearly performance review, employer feedback), and from health-care providers (diagnosis, psycho-educational assessment).

Any documentation or feedback you have ever received from different people can help inform your approaches to your own learning and future.

Those Around You

Family, friends, teachers, classmates, or co-workers may also have some insight into your strengths and barriers when it comes to learning. If you have people around you that you trust and you want to hear their opinions, ask for some help in determining your strengths and obstacles. Be ready to listen with an open mind and avoid becoming defensive; these people are trying to help you.


Don’t be afraid to look within and outside to get to know yourself and to better set yourself up for success!



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E.Y.E.S. at Seneca Copyright © 2024 by Michael Buzdon; Seneca Polytechnic Accessible Learning Services; and The Regional Assessment and Resource Centre (RARC) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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