Chapter 1: A New Scene


Equity and Diversity on Campus

Seneca is constantly working to empower students of all backgrounds through the provision of various programs, services and initiatives that mobilize, amplify and validate the experiences and perspectives of the diverse student population.

Please see Seneca’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion website for more details.

Indigenous Student Support

Jay RedBird Mural indigenous picture.

The First Peoples@Seneca office aims to build community with Indigenous students, advance reconciliation projects and efforts on campus and advocate for the integration of Indigenous ways of learning and existing into your postsecondary studies.

Such initiatives aim to connect with Indigenous students through meet and greet sessions, networking events, cultural counselling, peer mentorship, Indigenous academic advising and events and socials that highlight Indigenous-related activities and knowledge.

Please see the First Peoples@Seneca website for more information.

Office of Reconciliation & Inclusion

Seneca’s Reconciliation & Inclusion office works to address and alleviate human rights abuses on campus through the provision of advisors who actively respond to and support those affected by a human rights concern or violation. Moreover, the office advocates for practices and policies that target the needs and experiences of equity-seeking student groups.

Please see Seneca’s Equity Diversity and Inclusion website for more information.

International Student Support

Seneca’s international student centre offers a variety of resources and support for students who have travelled from abroad to Ontario for their postsecondary studies. These include international internships and awards, assistance with Canadian study and work permits, information about health insurance, language development assistance, and counselling services that assist with intercultural communication and community building.

Please see Seneca’s International website for more information.

2SLGBTQ+ Student Support

There are several different campus groups and resources for students looking for connections or support in regards to their gender and/or sexuality. These can include counselling services for LGBTQ+ students, gender advocacy centres, sexual health resource centres, gender-neutral washrooms and additional welcoming communities for students who wish to embrace or learn more about their gender or sexual backgrounds.

Please see Seneca’s 2SLGBTQ+ Community website and the Senecas Pride Instagram page for more information.

Women’s Resources

Seneca’s various women’s and female-targeted supports aim to embrace feminism and amplify female voices, faces and perspectives on your campus. These types of resources include sexual violence supports, female networking groups, conferences dedicated to showcasing and empowering women’s involvement in male-dominated job sectors and women’s mentorship/peer support programs.

Please see the HELIX Signature Events website for videos.

Faith & Spiritual Life

It’s typical for students to drift away from or lose touch with their religious roots upon entering postsecondary due to the increase in academic demands and an amplified social life. Seneca’s various faith and spirituality-based supports aim to assist with this disconnect and sustain students’ faith practices by welcoming, including and empowering students of all faiths. These supports encourage students to explore themes of mindfulness of their own and others’ spirituality, advocate for religious freedom and provide avenues for exploring faith-based identification and morality. There are multi-faith spaces available at Seneca’s four main campuses.

Please see Seneca’s Multi-faith space website for more information.

Please see Seneca’s ‘Koru’ Mindfulness Workshop Series for more information.


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E.Y.E.S. at Seneca Copyright © 2024 by Michael Buzdon; Seneca Polytechnic Accessible Learning Services; and The Regional Assessment and Resource Centre (RARC) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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