
Chapter 3: Post-Secondary Learning

18 Reading A Course Outline

Decorative photographThe purpose of a course outline is to outline the course objectives, while the syllabus indicates learning activities and assessment tasks included in the course to address the stated objectives. It is important to review both of these documents as soon as they are posted in myCambrian.

By reviewing the course outline, you can appreciate the overall goals of the course and how they fit into your program.  The course outline will also include required textbooks and learning resources.


Course Outline Information

The course outline typically includes the following information:

  • Course Identification Information– such as the course code, and any co- or prerequisites for the course.
  • Description of the course
  • Course Learning Outcomes– what you will know when you finish the course.
  • Vocational/Program-Specific Learning Outcomes
  • College Policies and Procedures– particularly information on attendance
  • The mark required to pass the course
  • Type of assessments used to determine your final grade

The syllabus is more about your day-to-day academic activities in the course and should be kept in an easily accessible location (either as a document on your computer/phone or printed out). It includes practical information, such as the delivery method of the course, the dates/times of lectures/labs, how you will be assessed in the course, and when these assessment activities will be due. There is typically information on required learning resources and materials, such as textbooks, required readings, and/or clothing/tools. A delivery schedule is typically included, which is a helpful guide of the weekly learning activities, including lectures, assigned readings, and assignments/quizzes due. The timing of any tests or exams is also included, as well as a breakdown of how much these assessment activities are worth when calculating your final grade.

While these documents may seem unnecessary, quite often, your questions are answered in them. It is highly recommended that you review them and refer back to them during the term!


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