H5P activities list

This book includes 91 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
71Monitoring your learning (Metacognition Question Bank)Column
74How can growth mindset help us become self-regulated learners?Column
75Thinking metacognitivelyColumn
76The Cycle of Self-Regulated LearningColumn
77Working Through the Cycle of Self-Regulated Learning - What is Self-Regulated Learning?Interactive Book
78Creating Your Personal Learning Plan - Setting SMART(ER) GoalsInteractive Book
79Creating Your Personal Learning PlanColumn
81What is mindfulness and how can it help us become self-regulated learners?Column
82Checking in With Your Team: Team HuddleColumn
83Keeping Your Project on Track - Team Meeting PlannerColumn
84Keeping Your Project on Track - Project and task trackerColumn
85Tips for Digital StorytellingInteractive Video
86Creating an Infographic for Your ResearchColumn
87Learning about Transfer of KnowledgeColumn
888 Tips for Digital StorytellingColumn
89Reflecting on the Syllabus - INSTRUCTOR TEMPLATEColumn
90Creating Your Personal Learning Plan - Developing Your Learning Plan - INSTRUCTOR TEMPLATEColumn
91Monitoring your learning (Metacognition Question Bank) - INSTRUCTOR TEMPLATEColumn
92Learning to Learn - INSTRUCTOR TEMPLATEColumn
93Nurturing a Growth Mindset - How can growth mindset help us become self-regulated learners? - INSTRUCTOR TEMPLATEColumn
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