

This open access textbook was developed as a resource for educators and simulationists who are preparing to use the virtual gaming simulation (VGS) “Hello, you must be Flo!” with their nursing students and potentially other healthcare students.

Based on our experiences in the Envision project, we would like to make a number of recommendations to smoothly implement this learning experience in the curriculum.

Virtual simulations are extensively proved as an effective learning resource across countries and fields of knowledge (K. M. Brown et al., 2021; Ferrandini Price et al., 2018; Hannans et al., 2021; Hanson et al., 2020; Jiménez-Rodríguez et al., 2021; Mariscal et al., 2020; Nie & Wu, 2020; Padilha et al., 2019; Verkuyl et al., 2017; Williams et al., 2020; Zhang, 2019). However, to make an appropriate implementation of these tools, facilitators need to embrace effective techniques for implementing virtual simulations with their students.

The purpose of this facilitator guide is to support educators who decide to use this VGS as a learning resource to improve their students’ knowledge in terms of person and family-centred health care in the home environment. For doing so, with this guide we aim to:

The VGS “Hello, you must be Flo” is an Open Educational Resource, available at no cost for teachers who want to introduce this VGS into their teaching program.

This guide contains 3 chapters:

In these chapters, there are several sections that readers can navigate through in their search for the relevant information that helps them to use the VGS in their course or curriculum. Moreocer, the general text of the guide is accompanied with:

  • Green boxes to amplify the information.

  • Brown boxes for complementary resources.

  • Different kinds of interactive materials to make the reading experience more interesting and enhance the comprehension of its content.