
18 The location

What to do

Select a realistic location congruent with the scenery described in the script.

How to do it

It is important to select a location that closely resembles the real-life setting of the scenario described in the script, and which provides designers with optimal filming conditions with minimal distortions. Ideally, an indoor location should be chosen to avoid uncontrollable events such as weather, traffic, passers-by, and other distracting noises. This is especially recommended to ensure a smooth filming process.

If filming outdoors is necessary, it is crucial to select a quiet and secluded location and scout out the location in advance, to ensure the appropriateness of the site. The location should ideally have limited access points to allow for better control of pedestrian traffic. Additionally, it may also be necessary to obtain permissions or permits for filming   and pay rental fees.

Another important consideration when selecting a location is lighting. The area should be well-lit, either naturally or with artificial lights. When filming outdoors, it is crucial to avoid significant changes in lighting caused by the movement of the sun, which can pose challenges for longer scenes.

Complementary resources

Examples of location for the ENVISION VGS:

The ENVISION experience: