
22 The filming

What to do

Film the action. It is critical that sufficient preparations are made to ensure that the filming of the videos depict a realistic scenario.

How to do it

An important consideration in filming a virtual gaming simulation (VGS), and one with is often difficult for videographers to understand, is that the filming should be done from a subjective perspective also referred to as the learners’ point of view. VGSs are educational tools, and therefore, no matter how visually appealing the videos are, the learning effectiveness should not be compromised. All videos should be captured from the perspective of the character   whose role the learner will assume in playing the simulation. This approach required the learner only see what the professional would see in that situation.  The learner should not experience the simulation as the passive third person observer of the scene.  For example, if the professional needs to pick up an object or perform and actions, the video will record their hands performing the action or the scene as they move towards a person or object in the scene.

The entire filming procedure should be described precisely in the technical script prior to the recording day.  It is also crucial to pay careful attention to these details in the technical script during the filming of each scene.

Here are some tips for the filming day:

  • It is essential for the actors not to leave during the filming day. They should stay on set and have meals together to ensure consistency between shots.
  • If it is unavoidable to divide the filming into two or more days, pictures should be taken of the actors to ensure continuity in their dress and hair style. Pictures of the scene on location should also be taken, to ensure all the scene and the props are consistent. For example, note the location of all props and angle of each video, to ensure consistency from scene to scene.

  • Shots videos of each scene must be continuous. This means that there should be no breaks in the same scene, as everything is perceived from the same point of view. Thus, very long scenes should be avoided since a small error at the end would require repeating the entire scene from the beginning.
  •  It is important to remember that elements of the original script may be modified during filming. However, such changes are only acceptable if they do not affect the simulations learning objectives and the alignment between the core elements remain intact. Any changes that could undermine the educational effectiveness of the simulation should be avoided.

Complementary resources

More tips for the filming day:

The ENVISION experience: