Academic Writing


What is academic writing?

Academic writing is the type of writing that is done for academic purposes. When students write academic papers of any kind, they express and present ideas in response to some type of prompt or assignment from their professor. This kind of writing follows some certain expectations when considering organization, sequencing, logic, elaboration, support, and format.

While there are many types of academic writing, for example, case studies, reviews, research papers, etc., this writing unit will focus on the elements and skills needed to write a short essay. These skills are transferrable to other types of academic writing, for instance to research essay writing, which is done in the EDE course.

Why is academic writing important?

The ability to write academically is central to success in post-secondary education and in many professional careers. Academic writing is important because it is an effective method to making ideas known in a way that can convince others (including your professor) that these ideas are solid, rational, and objective. Academic writing is powerful and can be used to make real changes in the world around us.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand academic writing and its importance.
  • Learn about common writing assignments and the steps involved in the writing process.
  • Reflect on how writing will help you attain your goals as well as how it may be challenging at times.
  • Learn where to get extra help in the writing process.

To Do List

  • Read “Writing for College”, in Communication Essentials for College.
  • Visit the “Georgian Resources & Services” from the Georgian College Library Website.
  • Read “The Writing Process in 7 Steps” handout.
  • Complete the Writing Centre Assignment in Blackboard.
  • Complete the Reflection Assignment in Blackboard.

Attribution & References

Except where otherwise noted, “Academic Writing” by Academic and Career Preparation, Georgian College, is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.


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English for Degree Entrance Preparation Copyright © by Carrie Molinski and Sue Slessor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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