Georgian Resources & Services

When writing, students sometimes face some challenges that make it difficult to move forward in the process. While this course is helpful, it may not include everything you need.
Here are some suggested sources of help:
  1. Your teacher
  2. Your peers
  3. Georgian College’s Writing Centre in the Georgian Library
Check out the details on the Georgian College webpage. There are a variety of services and resources available to Georgian College students!

Library Resources & Services

There are a variety of library services [New Tab] and resources available to Georgian College students!

Looking for resources for your assignments?

You can access the Georgian Library and Academic Success [New Tab] website and Page 1+ [New Tab] to search for resources for your assignments.

Getting ready to research

Video tutorials [New Tab] are available you to learn more about doing research, evaluating resources, plagiarism, and what peer-reviewed means.

Unsure of where to start your research?

Research Guides [New Tab] are available for program areas and can help students get a direction for their research.

Need help with research?

The library staff is here to help! Research help [New Tab] is available at the library online though askON or in-person at the library.

You can also contact the library via email at:

Academic Success Services

Looking for writing help?

The Writing Centre [New Tab] is here to help! The Writing Centre works to help students become more confident with their writing and APA; it is not an editing service.

The Language Help Centre [New Tab] is also a great support which helps students to learn how to use proper grammar, write clear sentences and prepare a presentation.

APA Workshop videos [New Tab] are available for quick reference and to help guide you with formatting your APA title page and paper, APA references and in-text citations and developing your understanding of APA.

The APA Guide [New Tab] can be used as reference to structure APA references and in-text citations.

Looking for tutoring services?

Tutoring services [New Tab] are available free to Georgian students.

Looking for math help?

The Math Centre [New Tab] is here to help! The Math Centre offers free math tutoring service for all Georgian students.

The Math Centre offers a number of math videos [New Tab] to help students with a variety of math topics.


In this module, you were introduced to academic writing and its relevance in your academic career and beyond. Writing is an important way to communicate what you know in an organized manner. While writing is not quick or easy, there are structures, steps, and methods that can help, and you will learn about these in the upcoming modules. Remember to reach out for help from your teacher, peers, friends, and the Georgian Writing Centre when needed.

Attribution & References

Except where otherwise noted, “Resources & Services for Georgian College Students” by Jessica Jones is licensed under CC BY 4.0.


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

English for Degree Entrance Preparation Copyright © by Carrie Molinski and Sue Slessor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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