Reader’s Response

English for Degree Entrance (EDE) compiled by Carrie Molinski & Sue Slessor.

Except where otherwise noted, this OER is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Please visit the web version of English for Degree Entrance (EDE) to access the complete book, interactive activities and videos.


In discussing literature, poetry cannot be ignored.  Poetry is a form of communication that uses language to create images, feeling, impressions, and themes for the audience.  While poets are affected by personal experience and era, most audiences can relate to the feelings evoke by this form.  This unit will discuss how poems and songs create effects and focus on the reader’s response lens.

Learning Objectives

  • Examine and apply a reader’s response lens to poetry and song to build an understanding of society.
  • Explore how elements, features, and form communicate meaning in poems and songs.
  • Use speaking skills and strategies to present a poem or song.

To Do List

  • Review the content on the Introduction to Poetry.
  • Read the biographies and poems of Walt Whitman and Maya Angelou.
  • Listen to the song “Indigenize.”
  • Complete the learning activities associated with the poems and song.
  • Read “Reading Poems to an Audience.”
  • Complete the reader’s response lens assignment in Blackboard.

Attribution & References

Except where otherwise noted, “Reader’s Response” by Academic and Career Prep, Georgian College, is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.


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English for Degree Entrance (EDE) Copyright © by Carrie Molinski and Sue Slessor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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