Analytical Research Paper

English for Degree Entrance (EDE) compiled by Carrie Molinski & Sue Slessor.

Except where otherwise noted, this OER is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

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Research paper creation and writing is an opportunity for you to investigate a topic in depth related to your chosen career path and academic journey in post-secondary programs or other learning institutes. The research paper is the culmination of various skills and knowledge you have acquired through your life experiences and education, and it showcases your writing skills. All essays have a beginning, a middle and an end. In the beginning, you introduce that topic and say what you are going to prove; in the middle, you will provide the evidence to prove what you said you would prove; then, in the end you say what you said. The overall structure is very easy to follow, but it is recommended you create an outline for yourself to make sure you stay on track. Just as you would not jump in your car and turn on the engine and drive without first having an idea of where you want to go and how to get there. Outlines give you a map to your beginning, your middle and your end.

Learning Objectives

  • Research a topic related to the course themes and explain its significance to society.
  • Apply research to support an argument.
  • Demonstrate proper essay structure.


  • Review the resources from this course as necessary.
  • Use essay writing information to review the steps of the research writing process.
  • Watch videos related to writing an analytical research paper.
  • Use APA formatting to ensure your paper meets acceptable standards of consistency.
  • Complete the Analytical Research Paper Assignment in Blackboard.


Except where otherwise noted, “Analytical Research Paper” by Academic and Career Preparation, Georgian College, is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.


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English for Degree Entrance (EDE) Copyright © by Carrie Molinski and Sue Slessor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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