Point of View, Narrative and Dialogue

Water drop in a dandelion seed by photophilde, licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

Prose fiction is a story written in the narrative. The narrator may or may not be a character in the story. There are three main points of view (PoV); we describe writing as being in the first, second, or third person.

First Person Point of View

First person PoV uses pronouns like I, me, us, our and we.

    • When you read a passage written in first person, it’s as if you’re inside that person’s head, seeing through their eyes. You think what they think, see what they see, and know what they know.
    • The strength of first person is in the way it shares emotional intensity. We feel what the narrator feels. We respond to events along with them.
    • The weakness of first person is its lack of significant information. We only know what the narrator knows; we can’t get into the heads of other characters who are nearby. We also only see what that narrator sees; we can’t see what else is going on around them or even around the next bend in the road. The first person narrator’s knowledge of all the story’s events is limited.
    • Writers tend to use first person when they want to convey emotional intensity, as in a personal narrative, or when they want us to know the narrator intimately.


“I could picture it. I have a rotten habit of picturing the bedroom scenes of my friends. We went out to the Café Napolitain to have an apéritif and watch the evening crowd on the Boulevard” (Hemingway, 2015, Chapter 2).

Second Person Point of View

Second person PoV uses pronouns like you, your and yourself.

When you read a passage written in second person, it’s as if the writer is talking directly to you.

    • The strength of second person is in a direct connection with narrator and reader; when reading second person, you feel as if you’re having a conversation with the narrator. This is especially effective when they are giving instructions.
    • The weakness of second person is that it limits the audience by making it seem the narrator is talking to only one person. It can create a strange “dreamy” tone that may make the text feel strange. It can also feel aggressive or accusatory.
    • Writers may use second person when they want to talk directly to one reader, give instructions, or create a dreamy or meditative passage.


“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know.” (Dr. Seuss, 1990, p.2).

“You are walking through a forest…. It is peaceful…. You breathe deeply and slowly as you listen to the forest sounds around you…. You hear the sounds of leaves underfoot as you follow the path…. You find a fallen log…. You sit down.” (meditation sequence).

“When you fill out the form, use a #2 pencil.” (instructions).

Third Person Point of View

Third person PoV uses pronouns like she, he, it, them and their and omits I.

    • Can be omniscient or limited omniscient.
    • When you read a passage written in third person, you experience a perspective that is all-seeing and all-knowing. A third person narrator can see past, present, and future; they can also know whatever any character knows as well as how that character feels and thinks. They have a full view of whatever is in front of, behind, beside, above or below them. In short, they can see the entire scene. Third person is all about facts.
    • The strength of third person is its ability to be informative. It sees all, knows all, and shares this with the reader. Because it does not use the “I” voice, it feels objective and smart.
    • The weakness of third person is its lack of intimacy. It’s focused on information and thus tells us little about emotion and feelings. We end up knowing a lot about the setting and events and not much about the human nature of the characters, what they’re thinking, or what they plan to do next.
    • Writers tend to use third person when they want to write objectively without sounding emotional or biased. Much college, research, and professional writing is done in third person. And note that there are a number of sub-forms of third person; you may hear more about these if you study creative writing.


“The seller of lightning-rods arrived just ahead of the storm. He came along the street of Green Town, Illinois, in the late cloudy October day, sneaking glances over his shoulder. Somewhere not so far back, vast lightnings stomped the earth. Somewhere, a storm like a great beast with terrible teeth could not be denied” (Bradbury, 2013, Chapter 1).

Check Your Understanding: Identify Elements of Narration

Choose your own short story, or use a story your instructor has assigned. Use examples from the story where applicable.

  1. What type of narrator does this story have? 1st person / 2nd person / 3rd person
  2. Give two examples that show the point of view of the narrator. (2 marks)
  3. Is the narrator a character in the story? Yes / No
  4. If the narrator is 3rd person, is it omniscient or limited omniscient? Explain.
  5. Who is/are the main character/s?
  6. What other characters are in the story?
  7. Write a brief plot summary of what happens in the beginning, the middle and the end of the story. (3 marks)


Dialogue is the talking characters do. Narrative is everything other than dialogue.

Dialogue can also be one character talking to themselves or thinking—this is internal dialogue.

  •  Example of spoken dialogue: Nathan walked right up to Mr. Pearson and said, “I quit this stupid basketball team.”
    •  This type of dialogue almost always has quotation marks around the spoken words.
  • Example of internal dialogue: Cynthia wondered, Will I ever fulfill my dreams?
      •  This type of dialogue is often in italics.

Check Your Understanding: Point of View, Narrative and Dialogue

Point of View, Narrative and Dialogue (Text Version)
  1.  What is the term for a narrator’s perspective as they are explaining what is happening in the story?
    1. Point of view
    2. Plot summary
    3. Character perspective
    4. Characterization
  2. Fill in the blanks using the words provided below
    • Second person
    • providing instruction
    • direct connection
    • limits the audience
    • First person
    • inside the character’s head
    • emotional intensity
    • significant information
    • narrator has limited knowledge

     ____________ point of view makes it seem like writer is talking directly to you. The strength is that _____________ with the reader and narrator: it is as it is as if the reader is having a conversation with the narrator and is effective for _____________.The weakness is that it ______________ because it makes it seem as if the narrator is only talking to one person; it can make the text feel strange because of its dream-like tone, and can come across as aggressive or accusatory.

    ___________ point of view makes it seem as if you are _____________and seeing what is happening through their eyes.
    The strength of this PoV is that it shares _____________ and you feel what the narrator is feeling.
    The weakness of this PoV is that it lacks ______________such as: the reader only knows what the narrator knows and sees, the reader is unable to gain access to what other characters are thinking, and the _________________ of all events occurring in the story.

  3. Fill in the blanks using the words provided below
    • Third person
    • limited omniscient
    • omniscient
    • informative
    • objective
    • intimacy
    • emotion and feelings

     ____________point of view makes the reader experience an all-seeing and all-knowing perspective that can see the past, present and future, and is all about the facts.

    It can be ____________ which means that the narrator shows everything for a limited number of characters.

    The narration could also be ____________ which is when the narrator knows everything about the character and will provide their own thoughts and feelings.

    The strength of this point of view is the ability to be ___________ and because there is no “I” voice it feels more ____________. The weakness is that it lacks __________ and is focused on information (setting, events et cetera) so there is little _____________.

  4.  Characters talking/speaking is referred to as?
    1. Dialogue
    2. Narrative
    3. Catalogue
    4. Monologue

Check your answers: [1]

Activity source: “Narration—Point of View, Narrative, and Dialogue” by Jessica Jones and oeratgc , licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 content obtained from “59 Point of View, Narrative, and Dialogue” In Advanced English  by Allison Kilgannon, licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0./Converted to H5P to Text version.


When writing a story, authors use narrative elements to produce specific effects in a novel. These effects can help the reader to better understand the author’s purpose as well as the themes and ideas represented by the story. Storytelling is an effective way to describe our world, reflect on society and relate to the environment in which we live.

Attribution & References

Except where otherwise noted, this section is adapted from “59 Point of View, Narrative, and Dialogue” In Advanced English by Allison Kilgannon, licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0. /An adaptation from “Point of View” in The Word on College Reading and Writing by Carol Burnell, Jaime Wood, Monique Babin, Susan Pesznecker, and Nicole Rosevear, which is licensed under a CC BY-NC 4.0 .


Bradbury, R. (2013). Something Wicked This Way Comes. HarperCollins.

Dr. Seuss. (1990). Oh, the places you’ll go! Random House.

Hemingway, E. (2015). The sun also rises. Project Gutenberg. https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/67138/pg67138-images.html (Original publication date 1926).

  1. 1) Point of view 2) Second person point of view makes it seem like writer is talking directly to you. The strength is that direct connection with the reader and narrator: it is as it is as if the reader is having a conversation with the narrator and is effective for providing instruction. The weakness is that it limits the audience because it makes it seem as if the narrator is only talking to one person; it can make the text feel strange because of its dream-like tone, and can come across as aggressive or accusatory. First person point of view makes it seem as if you are inside the character's head and seeing what is happening through their eyes. The strength of this PoV is that it shares emotional intensity and you feel what the narrator is feeling. The weakness of this PoV is that it lacks significant information such as: the reader only knows what the narrator knows and sees, the reader is unable to gain access to what other characters are thinking, and the narrator has limited knowledge of all events occurring in the story. 3) Third person point of view makes the reader experience an all-seeing and all-knowing perspective that can see the past, present and future, and is all about the facts. It can be limited omniscient which means that the narrator shows everything for a limited number of characters. The narration could also be omniscient which is when the narrator knows everything about the character and will provide their own thoughts and feelings. The strength of this point of view is the ability to be informative and because there is no "I" voice it feels more objective. The weakness is that it lacks intimacy and is focused on information (setting, events et cetera) so there is little emotion and feelings. 4) Dialogue


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English for Degree Entrance (EDE) Copyright © by Carrie Molinski and Sue Slessor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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