

The eCampusOntario Educational Technology Sandbox: Reports and Recommendations is the result of a year-long educational technology evaluation project initiated by eCampusOntario with participating partner institutions. The institutional reports included in this publication were written by the project leads and, aside from small editorial changes, are in their own words.

This work would not be possible without the contributions of the following individuals:

  • The project leads and their teams at each of our participating institutions, who embraced the challenge of implementing and evaluating the educational technologies.
  • Don Presant, for his open badging guidance and support for the CanCred exploration.
  • Sam Butcher, Emma Durand, and Laura Wirpcza for their Labster expertise and support.
  • Emily Masching, Dana Stephenson, and Richard Tuck for their advice and direction with Riipen.
  • The entire eCampusOntario team with special thanks to Peggy French, Terry Greene, Jenni Hayman, and Michel Singh, for their encouragement and support.

We are also grateful to Pressbooks for providing a platform to deliver our findings. With its inherent flexibility, it allows us to add resources to sections as they become known.

Joanne Kehoe, Editor

May 2019