
Welcome from the Dean

Welcome from the Dean

Dear School of Advancement Students

For students returning to campus for classes in the summer semester here are two important changes:

  1. The College has lifted its vaccine mandate. You are no longer required to be vaccinated to attend classes or be on campus but are still strongly encouraged to get your vaccinations, if you have not already done so.
  2. The College requires all students and staff to wear masks while on campus.

For the School of Advancement, the English Language Learning Program and many of our Communications (COMM) and General Education (GNED) courses will be offered in-class at our Ashtonbee, Progress and Morningside campuses. This is great news as we progress to gradually re-opening up the College to all students.

All other programs, including English for Academic Purposes, will continue to be delivered online. I know this will continue to be a great disappointment to many of you who want to return to in-class instruction on campus. We have made this decision in the best interests of safety for faculty and students as the Omicron variant, which is so contagious, is still infecting large numbers of people.

It is our hope, that in fall 2022, at least 70% of all courses in all programs will be delivered in-class.

While this will be not be a semester which you may have anticipated or hoped for, let me assure you that myself, faculty, staff and chairs are all dedicated to your success. We are available by email at any time to support your success in your programs and courses.

I wish you all a very successful semester.


Carol Roffey, Dean, School of Advancement




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