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Interactive Exercises

This book has many interactive exercises to enhance your learning experience; however, please note, that when you download this book as a PDF, these activities will no longer be accessible. For the optimal experience, please view this book through its online web version.

Video Transcripts

Many of the videos embedded in the book are publicly shared on YouTube. Transcripts are available for all YouTube videos featured in this book. You can access these transcripts by clicking the subtitles/closed captioning button marked “CC” on the lower right corner of the video frame. Alternatively, you can access the video transcript directly on YouTube.  Click on Transcript below for steps to follow to access a video transcript on YouTube.





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English for Academic Purposes: Skills Development Copyright © 2023 by Centennial College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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