Strategies to Improve Your Vocabulary

There are several proven benefits in improving your vocabulary, but how should we go about learning new words most effectively? By using the following vocabulary-building strategies, you are guaranteed to develop a wide and active vocabulary and keep improving it every day.

Click on each strategy to find out more.





Complete the following 8 questions/exercise about what you just read.



Vocabulary Journals

Some useful strategies to learn a new word include writing it down, learning more about the word, for example, its parts of speech, and using the new word in sentences. Keeping a personal vocabulary journal is a very effective way to do all these things.  Depending on the word or words you are learning, you might prefer to create a more visual journal entry similar to Sample 2 below.

If you have never kept a vocabulary journal or if you have but want to make it more effective for you, it is a good idea to look at some sample vocabulary journal entries for ideas on the different ways you can organize and design your journal. Some people prefer a handwritten journal, while others prefer a digital one. Choose what works best for you.

Below are a few samples of vocabulary journal entries.

Sample 1

Image of vocabulary journal entry for the word employee by Dara Cowper. License CC BY NC SA



Sample 2




Sample 3

Digital Vocabulary Journal Template


Text Attributions

Media Attributions

  • Image of Animal Concept Map by Nathanael Crawford retrieved from Licensed under a CC BY  CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
  • Image of vocabulary journal entry for the word employee by Dara Cowper. Licensed under a CC BY NC 4.0 licence.


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

English for Academic Purposes: Skills Development Copyright © 2023 by Centennial College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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