
School, Department, and Program Policies

Centennial College policies apply to staff, faculty and students.

The following additional guidelines are important for students in the program.

School of English and Liberal Studies
English for Academic Purposes


You should make every effort to attend all classes.  We have found that students who attend classes regularly achieve greater success than those who miss a lot of classes.  Attendance is checked regularly.

  • If you miss a class:
    – Tell your professor before or after of the reason for your absence. It is your responsibility to find out what you missed.
  • If you miss a class you should:
    – Check eCentennial for announcements, class topic and assignments
    – Review the material you missed and make sure you understand it

Cancelled Classes

Every effort will be made to ensure that classes will be held.  In exceptional circumstances when a class has to be cancelled, your professor will inform you if alternative arrangements can be made.

Dictionary Policy

Any dictionary (hard copy or electronic) may be used in regular class work, except if instructed otherwise. A hard copy English-English or bilingual dictionary may be used in writing tests except if instructed otherwise.

Meeting with your Professors

Each professor is available to meet with students outside of class during their office hours. Your professors will tell you when they are available. You can make an appointment by speaking directly with your professor or by sending an e-mail to your professor to request an appointment.

Recording Classes

While the program is being delivered as a hybrid model, the individual professor may record the synchronous on-line class sessions for students to review after the live session.


In college, as in the workplace, much work is done in pairs or small groups and teams. Please be prepared for a very interactive style of teaching and learning.


Timetables are available on myCentennial for students who have paid their fees or fee deferral and have either completed the EAP Placement Assessment to determine their placement level (new students) or met the promotion requirements (returning students).

EAP students have two hours of in-class computer lab time each week. There is a lab monitor who will guide and support the EAP students in completing their lab activities.

The lab monitor is Gorka Coria  (gcoria@my.centennialcollege.ca)

EAP Program Completion

You may decide to go to another program at Centennial College when you have completed the EAP program. The following are some guidelines for applying to Centennial College programs. If you are a Canadian resident, to apply to a Centennial College program, you need to complete an Application for Re-admit or Transfer Form. Please contact Suzanne Perreira, the EAP Success Advisor at sperreira@centennialcollege.ca to request a form. If you are an international visa student, please contact your regional representative in the International department. Remember to apply to your Centennial College program early because many programs fill quickly.

If you applied to a Centennial College program and were referred to EAP because you did not meet the English requirements for your chosen program, you must RE-APPLY TO THE COLLEGE PROGRAM OF YOUR CHOICE.

Pathways and Progression

Level 3 students who have a 60% final grade are eligible for direct entry to COMM 161 with no further testing. The program you would like to apply to after EAP may have additional admission requirements.

Students will take an EAP program placement assessment to determine at which level they will begin. Students can also take an EAP Progression Test after successfully completing Level 2 to determine if they are at the language proficient level required to begin a main program at Centennial College.

Links to Student Complaint Policy and Procedures

Student Complaint Policy

Student Complaint Procedures

Student Complaint Form User Instructions


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English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Copyright © 2021 by Centennial College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.