
name: Lorayne Robertson
Lorayne Robertson is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at Ontario Tech University. She specializes in equity, leadership, policy and online pedagogy. She researches collaboratively on the student experience and instructor role in polysynchronous online environments with a particular focus on digital technologies and assistive technologies at the point of instruction in applied settings – both K-12 and higher education. Within the Faculty of Education, Lorayne has served as the Graduate Program Director, Assistant Dean, and BEd Director. Lorayne is a former Superintendent for a school district, an Education Officer for the Ontario Ministry of Education, a school principal and teacher. Currently, Lorayne is working on a SSHRC grant to investigate the experiences of persons who received Basic Income. She is also in a collaborative partnership with the Centre Franco Ontarien to research PD offered in virtual reality.

name: Bill Muirhead
Dr. Muirhead was the founding Associate Provost, Academic at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology. As a founding academic administrator of the university, he was responsible for developing Canada’s largest Technology Enriched Learning Environment, the Teaching and Learning Center, the Academic Success Center, the Health Education Technology Research Unit, the University Information and Technology Services and is currently a founding researcher of the EILAB in the Faculty of Education. Dr. Muirhead has overseen the development of university policies and governance structures pertaining to all aspects of the undergraduate curriculum and quality assurance. Dr. Muirhead’s research interests included professional practices in online education; design of hybrid learning environments; policy support for developing and implementing learning object repositories; and the development and management of technological infrastructures in postsecondary institutions. An internationally recognized speaker, he has been the recipient of numerous awards for leadership and innovation in e-learning.

name: Lorayne Robertson
Lorayne Robertson is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at Ontario Tech University. She specializes in equity, leadership, policy and online pedagogy. She researches collaboratively on the student experience and instructor role in polysynchronous online environments with a particular focus on digital technologies and assistive technologies at the point of instruction in applied settings – both K-12 and higher education. Within the Faculty of Education, Lorayne has served as the Graduate Program Director, Assistant Dean, and BEd Director. Lorayne is a former Superintendent for a school district, an Education Officer for the Ontario Ministry of Education, a school principal and teacher. Currently, Lorayne is working on a SSHRC grant to investigate the experiences of persons who received Basic Income. She is also in a collaborative partnership with the Centre Franco Ontarien to research PD offered in virtual reality.

name: Bill Muirhead
Dr. Muirhead was the founding Associate Provost, Academic at the University of Ontario Institute of Technology. As a founding academic administrator of the university, he was responsible for developing Canada’s largest Technology Enriched Learning Environment, the Teaching and Learning Center, the Academic Success Center, the Health Education Technology Research Unit, the University Information and Technology Services and is currently a founding researcher of the EILAB in the Faculty of Education. Dr. Muirhead has overseen the development of university policies and governance structures pertaining to all aspects of the undergraduate curriculum and quality assurance. Dr. Muirhead’s research interests included professional practices in online education; design of hybrid learning environments; policy support for developing and implementing learning object repositories; and the development and management of technological infrastructures in postsecondary institutions. An internationally recognized speaker, he has been the recipient of numerous awards for leadership and innovation in e-learning.

name: James Robertson
James Robertson is the Coordinator of the Cyber Security Program at Fanshawe College. In addition, he teaches and designs university courses in cybersecurity and policing. He is a former sworn Special Constable with 20 years of experience in security and law enforcement also working as an IT Security Systems Specialist and digital investigator. As a graduate of Ontario Tech U, his research publications and presentations explore the nexus of policing and digital technologies, especially cybercrime, digital forensics, and cybersecurity.

name: Laurie Corrigan
Laurie Corrigan is a Director of Education with the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario. She has been a Superintendent in charge of Special Education, Equity and Technology and other areas. Her experience includes research in the area of safe schools legislation, digital privacy, cyberbullying, and restorative practices.

name: Heather Leatham
Heather has worked in education for over 20 years as both a classroom teacher, a digital literacy resource teacher, and is currently a secondary school vice-principal. She holds degrees from the University of Ottawa, Western University, York University and a Masters of Art in Educational and Digital Technologies from the University of Ontario Institute of Technology. Her academic interests are in digital privacy and technology use in the classroom.