
I am grateful for the support and contributions that have made this resource possible. First and foremost, my thanks go to the Government of Ontario and eCampusOntario, whose funding and belief in the importance of accessible educational resources have been instrumental in bringing this project to fruition.

I am profoundly grateful to Dr. Mohammad Reza Peyghami for his expertise and thoughtful feedback, which have been instrumental in shaping this resource.

Special thanks are also due to two remarkable Engineering students, Jazel Paco and Minh Khanh Truong, for their keen insights and diligent review, which have significantly enhanced the quality and accuracy of this work.

I extend my gratitude to the myriad of scientists, mathematicians, and educators whose foundational work underpins the concepts and methods presented in this book. While citing all their contributions individually within the text is impractical, their collective efforts have been indispensable. The References section lists key resources that have been instrumental in shaping the content of this book.


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Differential Equations Copyright © 2024 by Amir Tavangar is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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