
Course Design Logistics

Course design is a complex process and it can be easy to “get lost in the weeds” so to speak, while keeping track of all the components involved to ensure you’re designing a good-quality, engaging course. The following  items  can be used for consideration to help ensure that we are making the delivery of our course as barrier-free as possible for both our learners and ourselves.

Academic Integrity

How will you ensure students are aware of their rights and the policies associated with academic integrity? Will you include a statement in your syllabus? Will you hold a discussion with the class? Will you ask them to complete the academic integrity modules (available under self-registration in D2L)?


How will you ensure that your course is accessible? Have you included an accessibility statement in your course syllabus? What type of additional tools or knowledge might you need to deliver accessible content to your learners? (Consider viewing Humber College’s free Accessible Design in Digital Media course modules for guidance.)

Community Building

What ways do you plan on building community within your course? Do students have opportunities to interact with you? With each other? What types of activities could you include to help foster an environment of respect and inclusion?

Technological Knowledge

Think of the types of technology you’re using in your course, for both the creation of learning objects as well as for assessments and activities. What additional tools, knowledge, and instructions do you and your learners need in order to properly use these tools? Have you included information about access to these tools in your course instructions? Have you researched what technology tools and assistance are available through Laurentian University?


Have you considered the ways in which students might be accessing your course? Do you have a plan and location to centralize communication with your students throughout the course? What is the first impression you would like students to have when they first access your course? Have you thought about the frequency and location of your office hours?


After you have considered some of the logistics specific to your course context, take a moment to make some preliminary notes regarding the logistical considerations that have been presented. After you have made notes in the boxes below, click on the “Export” option to save a copy of your document to your device for future reference.



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Course Design Companion Guide Copyright © 2020 by Laurentian University Teaching and Innovation Team is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.