
This Pressbooks was developed by York University’s Community of Practice (CoP) for Decolonization, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (DEDI). This open educational resource is an ongoing initiative to provide information on equity-related topics in higher education, including inclusive, decolonized, anti-racist, queer, and trauma-informed pedagogies and teaching practices.

Each chapter has been written and curated by contributors from our community. You can download a PDF copy of any chapter by visiting the chapter’s main page. You can also access and download a summary of each topic by visiting the “Summary Graphic” page in each chapter.

About York’s DEDI in Teaching and Learning CoP

York’s Community of Practice (CoP) was started in the Fall of 2021 as a place for all who teach at York and are committed to supporting DEDI in their courses and beyond. The primary aim is to provide a space where we can engage in supportive, open, and critical conversations as we navigate the landscape of DEDI-driven pedagogical work.

You can learn more about York’s CoP below.



If you are interested in contributing to this resource or have questions or suggestions, please email Azeezah Jafry (azeezahj@yorku.ca) or Robin Sutherland-Harris (robinsh@yorku.ca).



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DEDI in Teaching & Learning Copyright © 2023 by York's CoP for DEDI in Teaching and Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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