1.7 Chapter Assignment

Let’s Talk About Death & Dying Assignment

This assignment challenges you to begin the process of sitting down and engaging in death-related conversations. There are two options to select from for this assignment. The options allow you to choose based on your comfort level going into the assignment, and how much you are ready to push that comfort level. There are two parts to the assignment (for both options), one part requires you to do something and the other to write about your experience. It is important to: (1) complete all chapter materials (chapter content, including all embedded links to readings and videos, and the required course materials) prior to starting the assignment; and (2) cite relevant course material throughout your assignment to support your points, credit sources of concepts/ideas, and demonstrate completion of assigned course materials.

Assignment Formatting & Style for Written Report

  • Assignment formatting requirements: Arial 12-point font; 1 inch/2.54 centimeter margins; single spaced; APA in-text citation style, reference section and cover page.
  • Use proper essay/paragraph style.
  • Clearly indicate which Option you have chosen for your assignment.
  • Use APA in-text citation style to support points, credit sources of concepts/ideas, and demonstrate completion of assigned course materials.
  • Use APA style appendices to organize assignment.
  • Proofread your submission to make sure it is clear, well written and intelligible.

Options for Chapter #1 Assignment

Option 1

Attend a Death Café (in person or virtual). Find a local or virtual death café or do a Google search to find an in-person event in your local area, that is going to occur prior to the due date for the assignment.

Steps to completing the Option 1 assignment
  • Watch the video on Death Cafés in Chapter 1.4 and read and watch the material from Chapter 1, including the Required Course Materials.
  • Sign-up for the death café you have chosen.
  • Attend the death café.
  • Note certain details of the death café you attend, including date, time, location, a photo/picture or ad for the event you attend.
  • In 750-1000 words, write about your experiences attending and participating in the death café. Examples could include: a brief synopsis of what it was like to attend a death café; a brief synopsis of what you talked about/contributed to the conversation; what surprised you the most about your death café experience; how you felt at the start of the café; how you felt at the end of the event, etc. Use APA in-text citation style to support points, credit sources of concepts/ideas, and demonstrate completion of assigned course materials. In-text citations to support your points/arguments are essential and required. Be sure to use a diverse range of materials as opposed to relying heavily on one, or a few sources.
The following must be submitted as part of Option 1 assignments
  1. A proper APA style cover page.
  2. A properly sourced written report.
  3. A proper APA style reference section.
  4. A proper APA style appendix containing the details on the death café attended (date, time, location, photo of event ad).

Option 2

Plan a conversation about death and end-of-life preferences with family and loved ones.

Steps to completing Option 2 assignment
  • Watch the video on “The Conversation Project” in Chapter 1.4, and read and watch the material from Chapter 1, including the content within Required Course Materials.
  • Read the Conversation Project’s Starter Guide.
  • Fill in the Starter Guide. Be sure to do this on your computer and to save your responses, as you are required to submit this document as part of your assignment.
  • In 500-600 words, write about the experience of completing the Starter Guide. Use APA in-text citation style to support points, credit sources of concepts/ideas, and demonstrate completion of assigned course materials.  In-text citations to support your points/arguments are essential and required. Be sure to use a diverse range of materials as opposed to relying heavily on one, or a few sources.
The following must be submitted as part of Option 2 assignments
  1. A proper APA style cover page.
  2. A copy of your 500-600 word, properly sourced, report on what the experience was like thinking about and filling in your guide.
  3. A proper APA style reference section.
  4. A proper APA style appendix containing the completed/filled in copy of your Conversation Starter Guide.
Variation on Option 2: Once you have filled in your Conversation Starter Guide, you have the option to actually have “the conversation” with loved ones. If you do this prior to the deadline for the assignment, then instead of the written report for Option 2 (non-variation version), you are required to write about your experience of thinking about and filling in your starter guide, as well as your experience of preparing for and having “the conversation” with loved ones. This written report can be anywhere from 600-1000 words in length. You must also complete #1, 3 & 4 for Option 2 above. Be sure to clearly indicate in your submission that you have chosen to complete the “Variation on Option 2”. In your write-up be sure to use APA in-text citation style to support points, credit sources of concepts/ideas, and demonstrate completion of assigned course materials.



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On Death & Dying (2nd Edition)* Copyright © 2024 by Jacqueline Lewis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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