11.8 Chapter Assignment

Advanced Directives & Planning for Illness & Death Assignment

In this chapter you learned about the importance of advanced planning for illness and death. This chapter’s assignment involves writing a reflection paper that details/explains/explores: what you learned from or got out of this course; how this course impacted you; if and how what you learned and/or your experiences taking the course altered your views of how you approach death, dying, grief, etc.; and what steps it will take for you to get to a place where you can and will complete your Advanced Care Directive/Advanced Care Plan (ACP) and appoint your Substitute Decision-Maker(s) (SDM) via the creation of a Power of Attorney for Personal Care (APC) (something that is highly recommended).

It is important to: (1) complete all chapter materials (chapter content, including all embedded links to readings and videos, and the required course materials) prior to starting the assignment; and (2) cite relevant course material (from current and previous chapters) throughout your assignment to support your points, credit sources of concepts/ideas, and demonstrate completion of assigned course materials.

Assignment Formatting & Style for Written Report

  • Assignments formatting requirements: Arial 12-point font; 1 inch/2.54 centimeter margins; single spaced; APA in-text citation style, reference section and cover page.
  • Use proper essay/paragraph style.
  • Use APA in-text citation style to support points, credit sources of concepts/ideas, and demonstrate completion of assigned course materials.
  • Paraphrase as opposed to relying on direct quotes.
  • Proofread your submission to make sure it is clear, well written and intelligible.

Steps to Completing the Assignment

  1. Click on the following link to download a PDF of the Advance Care Directive for Ontario to your computer Power of Attorney for Personal Care and Advance Care Directive.
  2. Read the document in its entirety.
  3. Write a properly sourced 1000-word reflection paper (give or take 100 words) that addresses the following questions:
    • What is/are the key things you learned or got out of this course?
    • How did this course impacted you?
    • How did what you learned in this course and/or your experiences taking the course altered your views of how you approach death, dying, grief, etc.;
    • What steps it will take for you to get to a place where you can and will complete your Advanced Care Directive/Advanced Care Plan (ACP) and appoint your Substitute Decision-Maker(s) (SDM) via the creation of a Power of Attorney for Personal Care (APC) (something that is highly recommended)?
  4. Support your points/arguments with APA in-text citations that reference course materials. In-text citations to support your points/arguments are essential and required. Be sure to use a diverse range of materials from this eBook (not just this chapter) as opposed to relying heavily on one, or a few sources.

Assignment Submissions Must Include

  1. A proper APA style cover page.
  2. A properly sourced, essay style written reflection paper.
  3. A proper APA reference section that contains any/all the material cited in the reflection paper.


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On Death & Dying (2nd Edition)* Copyright © 2024 by Jacqueline Lewis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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