10.9 Chapter Assignment

Memorials, Commemoration & Remembrance Assignment

This chapter’s materials focused on several types of memorials (official, grassroots, and personal). For this assignment, you are required to choose a memorial to one of the following three genocides and conduct research on it that will help you write a short essay (1000 words, give or take 100 words) that addresses a series of questions (see below). The three genocides that students MUST choose from for this assignment are: The Herero Genocide (1904-1907); The Genocide in Bosnia & Herzegovina (1972); or The Cambodian Genocide (1975-1979).

It is important to: (1) complete all chapter materials (chapter content, including all embedded links to readings and videos, and the required course materials) prior to starting the assignment; and (2) cite relevant research AND course material (from current and previous chapters) throughout your assignment to support your points, credit sources of concepts/ideas, and demonstrate completion of assigned course materials.

Assignment Formatting & Style

  • Assignments formatting requirements: Arial 12-point font; 1 inch/2.54 centimeter margins; single spaced; APA in-text citation style, reference section and cover page.
  • Use proper essay/paragraph style.
  • Clearly indicate which memorial you have chosen for your assignment.
  • Use APA in-text citation style to support points, credit sources of concepts/ideas, demonstrate research completed for assignment and completion of assigned course materials (from current and previous chapters).
  • Paraphrase as opposed to relying on direct quotes.
  • Proofread your submission to make sure it is clear, well written, and intelligible.

Steps to Completing the Assignment

  1. Choose a memorial to ONE of the three genocide listed above as the focus on the assignment (i.e., The Herero Genocide 1904-1907; The Genocide in Bosnia & Herzegovina 1972; or The Cambodian Genocide 1975-1979).
  2. Research the identified memorial and find a minimum of 6 sources (in addition to the chapter materials) to help you to answer the assignment questions below. No more than 2 of the sources can be media-type resources. At least 2 of your sources must be from academic sources (i.e., journal articles and books). The remainder can come from online reports from government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
  3. Find 2 or 3 photos of the memorial.
  4. Write a 1000-word essay (give or take 100 words) on the chosen memorial that answers the questions below (ALL questions MUST be addressed in your paper, but DO NOT need to be answered in order).
  5. Support the points/arguments you make with APA in-text citations that reference the materials you have found in your research, AND those that are in the chapter and eBook. In-text citations to support your points/arguments are essential and required. Be sure to use a diverse range of materials (from current and previous chapters) as opposed to relying heavily on one, or a few sources.
  6. Develop an APA style reference section for all material cited (only material cited in the body of the paper can be included in a reference section).

Assignment Submissions Must Include

  1. A proper APA style cover page.
  2. A properly sourced, essay format written report addressing the questions below.
  3. A proper APA reference section that contains all the material cited in the assignment.
  4. An APA style appendix containing properly sourced photos of the memorial.

Assignment Questions

  1. What is the name of the memorial?
  2. Where is the memorial located?
  3. What/who does it memorialize/commemorate?
  4. When was it made available for public viewing?
  5. What makes it a memorial (see Bodner, 2009 and Bruggeman, 2020)?
  6. Who is the intended audience?
  7. What message is the memorial meant to convey to its intended audience?
  8. Is this an official or grassroots memorial? Explain.
  9. How does the memorial and its design establish dialogues with, and present questions about, the past, the present, and future (Bodner, 2009)?
  10. What or who does the memorial leave out?
  11. Is this memorial for a contested event or is there relative consensus regarding the event being commemorated?
  12. If there is relative consensus, can you envision a time when that may not have been the case? Explain.
  13. If it is contested, has it always been contested? If so, why do you think that is the case? If not, when, why and how did the re-definitional process begin? What changed?
  14. Is there a consensus over how the event is memorialized (the memorial design, location, etc.) or are there disagreements (i.e., is its design and/or location contested)? Elaborate and explain. Be sure to make use of the Bodner (2009) and Bruggeman (2020) readings when framing your answer.
  15. Is this memorial an example of a working memorial? Explain why or why not? Be sure to make use of the Bodner (2009) reading when framing your answer. The link to Bonder’s (2009) work is found at the bottom of Ch.10.4. See On memory, trauma, public space, monuments and memorials.


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