Chapter 33: Interpretation of Dental Caries
Learning Objectives
At the end of this module chapter, you will be able to:
- Define the key terms associated with the interpretation of dental caries.
- Describe dental caries.
- In relation to the detection of dental caries:
- Explain why caries appears radiolucent on a dental image.
- Discuss the importance of dental caries in relation to the clinical examination.
- Discuss the importance of dental caries in relation to the dental image examination.
- Discuss interpretation tips for evaluating caries on a dental image.
- Discuss the factors that may influence the image interpretation of dental caries.
In relation to classifying caries on dental images:
- Detail the classification of caries on dental images.
- On a dental image, identify and describe the appearance of the following: incipient, moderate, advanced, and severe interproximal caries.
- On a dental image, identify and describe the appearance of the following: incipient, moderate, and severe occlusal caries.
- On a dental image, identify and describe the appearance of the following: buccal, lingual, root surface, recurrent, and rampant caries.
- On a dental image, identify conditions that may be confused with dental caries including cervical burnout, restorative materials, attrition, and abrasion.