Module 1 Overview
Module 1: Radiation Basics and Dental Image Characteristics
Module 1 will consist of Chapters 1-6.
We will begin with the student gaining knowledge about the pioneers and discovery of x-radiation and basic dental imaging terminology. The student will then begin to gain fundamental knowledge related to radiation physics, radiation biology, radiation protection, radiation characteristics, and dental X-Ray image characteristics.
Chapter 1: Radiation History
The purpose Chapter 1:
- To introduce basic dental radiography terms
- To detail the importance of dental radiographs
- To review the history of x-radiation
Chapter 2: Radiation Physics
The purpose of Chapter 2:
- To present the fundamental concepts of atomic and molecular structure
- To define and characterize x-radiation
- To introduce the x-ray machine
- To describe in detail how x-rays are produced
Chapter 3: Radiation Biology
The purpose of Chapter 3:
- To describe the mechanisms and theories of radiation injury
- To define the basic concepts and effects of radiation exposure
- To detail radiation measurements
- To discuss the risks of radiation exposure
- All ionizing radiations are harmful and produce biologic changes in living tissues.
- Radiation biology is the study of the effects of ionizing radiation on living tissue.
- The dental radiographer must have a working knowledge of radiation biology.
Chapter 4: Radiation Protection
The purpose of Chapter 4:
- To discuss patient protection before, during, and after exposure to x-rays
- To detail operator protection methods
- To present radiation exposure and safety guidelines
Chapter 5: Radiation Characteristics
The purpose of Chapter 5:
- To detail the concepts of x-ray beam quality and quantity
- To define the concept of beam intensity
- To discuss how exposure factors influence these radiation characteristics
Chapter 6: Dental X-Ray Image Characteristics
The purpose of Chapter 6:
- To describe in detail the visual image characteristics of film density and contrast
- To define the geometric image characteristics of sharpness, magnification, and distortion
- To discuss how influencing factors alter these image characteristics
Attributions for this Module
Copyright © 2012, 2006, 2000, 1996 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc.