Receptor Holders
A receptor holder is a device used to hold and align an intraoral dental x-ray receptor in the mouth.
Different types of receptor holders are:
- Disposable Styrofoam bite-block
- Molded-plastic devices (e.g., Snap-A-Ray)
- EndoRay
- Uni-bite
See the examples of the different types of receptor holders in the slides below.
Beam Alignment Devices
A beam alignment device is an instrument used to help the dental radiographer position the PID relative to the tooth and receptor.
Different types of beam alignment devices are:
- Rinn XCP and BAI Instruments (available with bite-blocks designed to hold traditional film or digital sensors)
- Collimating device (for use in conjunction with a beam alignment device and may be retrofitted onto the end of a standard PID to restrict the size of the x-ray beam and limit radiation exposure)
See the examples of the different types of receptor holders in the slides below.
Practice Makes Perfect
Media Attributions
- Iannucci & Howerton: Dental Radiography Principles and Techniques, 6th Edition, Chapter 7, CC BY-NC-ND