Program Requirements


Graduates at convocation

Program Requirements

The CYC program has three field placement opportunities for students to complete.  First year field placement is two days a week in semester 2, second year placement is four days a week and completed in either the fall or winter semester, third year field placement is for two semesters (fall and winter) and is three days a week.  All field placements will require a new police check vulnerable sector clearance, a new medical certificate of health to ensure freedom of communicable disease, including a TB test.  As well students will need to provide proof of immunization/vaccination to partnering agencies and school boards when being accepted for each field placement.  Students who are unable to meet specific agency and school board policies may not be able to attend a field placement which is a requirement to obtain a Child and Youth care diploma.

Standard First Aid and CPR Level C is also a requirement prior to attending first year field placement.  For more information see the Experiential Learning Requirements section for information on work terms, field placements, clinical placements, or other required experiential learning components.

Course Requirements – Course Outlines

Course outlines specify relevant course learning outcomes to be achieved and assessments that measure achievement of that learning. Course outlines also offer a general description of the course, its content, requirements, and required learning resources (e.g., textbooks, equipment/materials). Course outlines also offer a general description of the course, its content, requirements, and learning resources. Course outlines clearly communicate expectations to learners concerning requirements for admission to the course (e.g.., pre- and co-requisites), successful completion of the course, and other course-specific policies and procedures. Ensure you review the course outlines for each of your courses to be aware of requirements and expectations.  It is highly recommended that students keep a copy of all course outlines and assignment packages for each and every course that is completed.

These outlines may be important for the student in the future should they decide to request PLAR (Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition) from this or any other educational institutions.


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