Other Resources


Practical Science for Conservators Playlist (contact Luke Addington)


A Conservator’s Guide to Preparing Solutions, CCI videos


Getty videos – Becoming Artsy

How Scientists Help Art “Live” Longer (Becoming Artsy 205)



Why are we recoloring dead birds? (Becoming Artsy)


AIC Conservation Science Tutorials


CHAT Program: Science, History, Art and Technology (in Spanish)

Chemistry Teaching Materials, Rijksmuseum

Conservation Physics by Timothy Padfield

The Macrogalleria – A Cyberwonderland of Polymer Fun!


Alcantara-Garcia, Jocelyn, and Rebecca Ploeger. 2018. “Teaching Polymer Chemistry through Cultural Heritage.” Journal of Chemical Education 95, no. 7: 1118-1124. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jchemed.7b00975.

Andersen, Cecil Krarup, Beate Knuth Federspiel, and Pia Clemmensen. 2018. “Bridging Conservation Practice and Science: A Study on Encapsulation Theory and Knowledge Transfer in the Education of Conservators.” Meddelelser Om Konservering 1 (December): 5-11. https://mok.scholasticahq.com/article/31754-bridging-conservation-practice-and-science-a-study-on-encapsulation-theory-and-knowledge-transfer-in-the-education-of-conservators.

Etkina, Eugina, David T. Brookes, and Gorazd Planinsic. 2019. Investigative Science Learning Environment: When Learning Physics Mirrors Doing Physics. San Rafael: Morgan & Claypool Publishers. https://iopscience.iop.org/book/mono/978-1-64327-780-6.

Larsen, René, and Cecil Krarup Andersen. 2017. “Research as an integral part of conservation-restoration education.” CeROArt: Conservation, exposition, Restauration d’Objets d’Art, no. HS. https://doi.org/10.4000/ceroart.5029.


Braun, K. L., Labby, K. J., Eds. 2021. Contextualizing Chemistry in Art and Archaeology: Inspiration for Instructors. ACS Symposium Series 1386. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2021.


Teaching to big ideas

Boaler, J., & Dweck, C. (2015). Mathematical Mindsets: Unleashing Students’ Potential through Creative Math, Inspiring Messages and Innovative Teaching (1st edition). Jossey-Bass.


Investigative Science Learning Environment (ISLE)

Etkina, E., Brookes, D. T., & Planinsic, G. (2019). Investigative Science Learning Environment: When Learning Physics Mirrors Doing Physics (Concise edition). Iop Concise Physics.


Model systems in physics

Etkina, E., Warren, A., & Gentile, M. (2006). The Role of Models in Physics Instruction. The Physics Teacher, 44(1), 34–39. https://doi.org/10.1119/1.2150757



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Conservation Science Education Online (CSEO) - A Heritage Science Education Resource Copyright © 2024 by Alison Murray; Aaron Shugar; Rebecca Ploeger; and Kyna Biggs is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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