Research Integrity
- Use funds only in the manner stipulated by the research contract.
- Accurately report data, results, methods, and procedures.
- Strive to avoid or minimize bias or self-deception.
- Disclose the methods, materials, assumptions, analyses, and other information utilized to achieve research objectives.
- The use of Generative AI falls within this category.
Review: AI Guidelines in Research
Fanshawe College’s AI Framework includes content related to the use of AI in research. These AI in Research Guidelines are based on current government guidance and may be subject to change. Additional guidance related to specific activities in the course of partner-based research can be found in CRI’s AI Guidelines for Applied Research Projects. Researchers are also encouraged to connect with CRI for assistance.
Conflicts of Interest
- Avoid situations whereby you or project participants may have a personal advantage or interest in the research outcome.
- This may compromise results and/or create the perception of compromised results.
- Personal, interpersonal, or financial relationships may create conflicts of interest.
- Economic and/or academic interest (e.g. an individual holds dual roles at an institution) may also compromise the integrity of the research.