
How to Write an Abstract or Summary

An Abstract is considered a crucial part of the pre-award process, as it is a concise summary of a research proposal that is typically included in the initial application submitted to a funding agency, making it a key component of the proposal development stage before an award is granted. 

An Abstract should focus on the overall design and purpose of the project.  As Abstracts are often posted​ publicly post-award, they should not include confidential information.

A Technical Abstract may contain complicated and field-specific terminology when written for a panel of research experts.  A Lay Abstract should use simple terminology, keeping in mind that the audience may not have the same technical background.

Key Elements

Common Mistakes

Tools and Tricks

  • What, why, and how?
  • Needs, goals, aims, and outcomes
  • No preliminary data
  • Inconsistency
  • Going over space limitations
  • Interdependency
  • Create an outline
  • Create a logical flow
  • Have the abstract reviewed by someone who has not read the full proposal
  • Have the abstract reviewed by an expert and a non-expert from the field
  • Edit with the Audience in mind


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