7 Focus on Process
Philip Loosemore
Serve your readers through your investment in the writing process. Plan your time. Write iteratively, looping through the process several times.
What You’ll Learn:
- Why your process matters to your readers
- How the writing process works
- How to write iteratively
The writing process is a bit like hosting a dinner. There’s far more involved than just grabbing whatever’s in the fridge and serving it.
- The experience is social. You focus on someone else’s needs and preferences.
- You plan and organize early in the process, and perhaps do some research to offer the right thing.
- Once it’s underway, you have to see it through to the end.
- Along the way, you make little adjustments and improvements.
- The most important moment is when you present what you’ve made.
- You learn from the process—insights you can use the next time around.
- However small it may be, the experience reverberates outward. Connections form. Relationships shift.
- The experience is ultimately about people.
Repetition of a process, looping through a sequence of actions again and again.