
Recommended Clinical Pharmacology Case-Based Learning

Mandatory National Prescribing Curriculum modules for Transitions to Clerkship

To access the Australian National Prescribing Curriculum modules, you must first create a free account here (only limited modules will allow guest access).

Our team has rated the quality and relevance of the Australian National Prescribing e-curriculum the highest and created Canadian ‘translation’ preambles for key modules, which can be accessed here. 

Type 2 Diabetes: Initiating Treatment

Preamble: The case description and details about symptoms, vitals, history etc. are reasonable and should be understood by the Canadian learners.

Differences in terms used:

Laboratory Values:



Other Problems:

Urinary Tract Infection

Differences in terms used:



Postoperative Pain and Vomiting

Analgesia for Low Back Pain


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbation

Preamble: Important clarifications for Canadian medical students:

Differences in medical terms used, for example:

Potential differences in normal reference ranges for certain laboratory values:

Potential differences in therapeutics:

Canadian-Specific Resources:


Prevention of Venous Thromboembolism

Child with Acute Otitis Media

Strongly suggested but not mandatory NPC Modules

  • Antimicrobials: bacteremia (online course)
  • Antimicrobials: surgical prophylaxis (online course)
  • Antimicrobials: catheter-associated urinary tract infections (online course)
  • Antimicrobials: community-acquired pneumonia (online course)
  • Acute pulmonary edema (NPC module)
  • Chronic heart failure (NPC module)Alcohol withdrawal delirium (NPC module)
  • Lipid and CVD risk management (NPC)
  • Delirium in an older person (NPC)
  • Insomnia (NPC)
  • H. pylori infection (NPC)
  • Iron deficiency (NPC)
  • Anticoagulation in atrial fibrillation (NPC)
  • Management of acute coronary syndrome (NPC)
  • Depression in adolescents (NPC)
  • Acute mania in bipolar disorder (NPC)
  • Preventing fractures: where to start with osteoporosis (NPC)

It is important to read Katzung’s Basic & Clinical Pharmacology, 16th Edition. Student should be able to access this resource through their institutional library, and/or online here.


Clinical Pharmacology and Prescribing Skills: Copyright © by Dr Anne Holbrook,MD,PharmD,MSc,FRCPC is licensed under a Ontario Commons License, except where otherwise noted.