
How to be an Effective Patient Advocate

Health Advocacy is a key role and competency for physicians in Canada, so much so that it is one of the main CanMEDS competencies.

In our discipline, typical patient advocacy roles include:

a) completing forms regarding restricted access to expensive non-formulary medications for patients meeting criteria or where there is no other option

b) continually working with patients to reduce and discontinue their exposure to harmful medications including alcohol, tobacco, cocaine and similar stimulants, high dose opioids, etc.

c) recognizing and remediating vulnerable situations where patients are at risk of lethal overdoses or poisonings.

d) participating in high quality research with patients that will address important medication-related questions.

e) discouraging use of expensive, supplements and natural health products which lack adequate evidence of effectiveness and safety, and are not regulated in terms of contamination.

CMPA. Participating in Health Advocacy.


Clinical Pharmacology and Prescribing Skills: Copyright © by Dr Anne Holbrook,MD,PharmD,MSc,FRCPC is licensed under a Ontario Commons License, except where otherwise noted.