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Bibliography of CPT Important Terms, List of Common Abbreviations
Accessibility Statement
What is Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology (CPT)?
What do we Mean by Prescribing Competence?
Why is CPT knowledge and Prescribing Competence critical to safe and effective medical practice?
Basic Pharmacology Principles for Prescribers
Drug Regulation and Formulary System in Canada
How to Avoid CPT and Prescribing Medicolegal Trouble
How to be an Effective Patient Advocate
Learning Objectives for CPT for Medical Students and Residents
Appropriateness of Prescribing Evaluation Tools
Essential Drugs List for Canadian Medical Students
Introduction to e-Prescribing Curriculum Resources
Introduction to Medication Safety
Approach to Antimicrobial Prescribing
Introduction to Drug Interactions and Adverse Drug Events
Recommended Clinical Pharmacology Case-Based Learning
Special Topics in CPT
Case-based CPT quizzes
Prescription Writing Practice and Feedback
Preparation for the Canadian Prescribing Safety Assessment
Medical Council of Canada Objectives on Prescribing Practices
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