
Experiential Learning Requirements


Experiential Learning “supports students in gaining hands-on learning that helps them transition to employment”[1]. Experiential Learning can take the form of co-operative education, degree work placement, clinical/field placement, fieldwork/simulation labs, capstone/applied research projects, and service learning.

Students are required to complete two separate field placements (the first in semester three and the second in semester four). You will receive detailed information and guidance through this process in semester two from the Field Practicum Coordinator. Specific information about field practicum is included in the field practicum manual, which will be available on eCentennial in Semester 3.

Important Information About Practicum

Faculty of the Community & Justice Services Program reserve the right to deny a practicum opportunity to students who do not meet a minimum standard of acceptable and appropriate behaviour, are not in good academic standing, who pose a serious risk to the placement agency/institution, or are in a clear conflict of interest situation, etc. There may be some circumstances under which students may not be permitted to attend practicum. Some examples include, but are not limited to

  • failure to follow program procedures, such as failing to obtain a criminal reference and vulnerable sector screen check (CPIC & VSS) by the assigned deadline
  • a criminal record* (see below for more details)
  • performing poorly at an interview for reasons that are within your control
  • inability to accept assigned placement due to shift work requirements, etc.
  • failure to disclose a potential or probable conflict of interest, including, but not limited to, having a personal and/or business relationship with a current and/or past client/offender
  • failure to disclose having been in an institution to visit someone who is currently or has previously been incarcerated within a Ministry or community-based facility

*Criminal Record

Students with a criminal record or who are currently involved in the criminal justice system (on probation or parole) may be prevented from entering field agencies, institutions and school settings. This decision is at the discretion of the field agencies/institutions/school that provide field practicum opportunities to our students. It is in your best interest to be open and honest with the agency/institution/school during your interview. Showing ownership and taking responsibility for your past behaviour is the professional and ethical thing to do.

When a student registers for a Field Practicum, the College can and will provide that agency/institution/school with enough information about the student’s academic skills, abilities and limitations in order for the agency to make an informed decision about accepting them on placement. If a student presents a risk to a placement agency’s, institution’s, or school’s staff or clientele, we must disclose the information to that agency/institution/school and the program faculty may withhold the student from placement. Should this be the case, the Program Coordinator will discuss the faculty’s concerns with the student prior to the Field Practicum selection process beginning.

Students are strongly encouraged to approach the Program Coordinator to discuss this further and to get some guidance and direction around how to discuss this matter with potential future placements and employers.

Students who do not meet the minimum standard of acceptable and appropriate behavior, and/or have breached our Student Code of Conduct and/or Disruptive Student Behavior policy may be considered ineligible for Field Placement.

All students entering the field are expected to:

  • read and comply with all correspondence from the Field Practicum and/or Program Coordinator distributed in class and/or through email or eCentennial
  • meet all deadlines on time
  • complete a criminal reference check, including a vulnerable sector screen (CPIC & VSS)
  • conduct a personal interview with the agency/institution
  • successfully pass all courses in semesters 1 and 2 with a minimum 60% (C)
  • maintain good standing in the program and adhere to all program and College policies and procedures

Please note that while the College does not require COVID-19 vaccination, students are required to follow the policies in place at work-term/placement sites. This means that you may be required to provide proof of vaccination to your employer/placement host in order to participate in and complete your work term/placement.

  1. Ministry of Colleges and Universities. (2020). Graduate and Employer KPI Surveys 2020-2021 Cycle Operating Procedures. 


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CJSP Student Handbook Fall 2024-2025 Copyright © 2023 by Centennial College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.