
Experiential Learning Requirements

Students in nursing simulation lab

Experiential Learning “supports students in gaining hands-on learning that helps them transition to employment”[1]. Experiential Learning can take the form of co-operative education, degree work placement, clinical/field placement, fieldwork/simulation labs, capstone/applied research projects, and service learning.

Work Integrated Learning

Placement facilities are arranged by a Clinical Placement Officer. Communication between students, faculty advisors and placement supervisors is encouraged; however students are not to seek out their own clinical placements.

Nurses provide care around the clock; therefore, shift work will be an integral part of your life. During this program you may have day shifts or evening shifts or 12hour shifts. Typically, day shifts start at either 0700 or 0730 depending on the agency; evening shifts begin at 1330h (pre-conference) and end at 2100h. Shift rotations are not negotiable and will be dependent on the agreement with each hospital.

The student will respect confidentiality and not disclose any information regarding the facility, its’ employees or clients unless relevant to performance indicators identified for the course. The use of initials will be used for any written submissions throughout this program.

Pregrad Placement (Preceptorship) final semester

1) Students will be expected to follow their assigned nurses’ schedule. This will include days, evenings, nights on weekdays and/weekends.

2) Students are not allowed to negotiate with agency regarding their schedule and/or preceptor.

3) Students may be expected to travel up to 2 hours to their placement, as placements can be anywhere within the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).

4) Students who refuse to attend assigned placement will be removed and will not be assigned another placement. Student will have to take the course again in the subsequent semester (when course is offered again), subject to the availability of placements.

In addition the following will be noted for all Field Placement/Clinical Placement including Preceptorship rotation:

1. The student’s preferred choice of clinical location cannot be guaranteed

2. The College tries its best, but there are a number of factors beyond its control

3. The College recognizes that a two-hour travel time can be challenging for students for a variety of reasons, including transportation, childcare, etc.

4. The College encourages students to prepare for all such factors in advance of clinical. In entering this program, all students must be prepared to travel for up to two hours and that start times can occur outside the standard office day.

5. When the College decides to shift students around, this is done randomly

6. Location of clinical placements cannot be appealed.

Based on the principles of public safety, Centennial College has suspended clinical and onsite unpaid field placements. Field and clinical placements, and all or part of unpaid internships may be moved to teaching at a distance where feasible. In programs where placements or unpaid internships cannot not be facilitated through alternative/distance models, students will be allowed to complete these components at a later date.

Students are not required to complete the work experience component of their program while public health directives are in place and students may complete placement requirements at a later date. However, students may opt to complete their placement requirements at sites currently deemed as essential workplaces (that are willing to accept the student) either onsite, following appropriate health and safety protocols, or remotely. Students who voluntarily accept such placements will be asked to read and sign a Student Informed Consent form in order ensure that they understand their rights and the potential health and safety risks. Similarly, employers and/or placement hosts will be required to complete an Employer/Placement Health and Safety Site Checklist.


Please note that while the College does not require COVID-19 vaccination, students are required to follow the policies in place at work-term/placement sites. This means that you may be required to provide proof of vaccination to your employer/placement host in order to participate in and complete your work term/placement.


View our college lab setting identical to clinical agency settings. Therefore, we expect students to behave in a professional manner at all times when in the lab. Equipment and resources must be handled with respect and care. All lab policies must be followed as outlined. Further, a student may not record or photograph any activities within the lab without prior authorization.2. Personal belongingsBring only textbooks and notes to the lab. There is no safe storage area for personal belongings. Articles left on the floor are a safety hazard, and so it is a requirement that students use lockers for coats, backpacks and other items that are not needed in the lab class.3. Food and beveragesFood and beverages are not permitted in the lab with the exception of the feeding lab.

Bedside unitsAfter use please:
a)   straighten bed linen and elevate bed
b)   position overbed table and bedside tables appropriately
c)   complete a full wipe down of all equipment utilized (directions will be provide by instructors)5. Lab security
Use the main entrance to enter and exit the lab. This limits access and increases security.

6. Fire exit
It is the responsibility of the student to know fire exit locations.

7. Lab availability for practice
Check with the lab technologist for lab availability.

Noise Level
Try to keep the noise level in the lab to a minimum as distractions such as loud conversations and banging of doors are disruptive to the learning of other students.


· Students must wear the Centennial College Practical Nursing Program lab shirt* for all scheduled labs, including Clinical Lab and Health Assessment courses, except Simulation Lab sessions.

· Students must wear the Centennial College Practical Nursing Program uniform during specified Simulation Lab sessions. Instructors will inform students as applicable. Students must bring the uniform to the college and change clothes on college premises (i.e. do not wear the uniform in public places).
· For safety and professional reasons, mandatory footwear in the lab or during Simulation sessions must be dry with closed-toe and low heels, such as running shoes. Footwear, such as snow boots, ballet flats, sandals, flip-flops, high-heeled pumps, etc. are not acceptable.
· For infection control reasons, designated lab shirts, uniforms and footwear used in the clinical setting must not be worn in the College or public environment at any time.
· Students must wear Centennial College photo-id nametags while in the lab.
· A plain gold wedding band, watch with a second hand and stud earrings may be worn; hoop or dangling earrings are not to be worn as they are a safety hazard.
· Hair longer than shoulder length must be tied back
· Fingernails are to be short, clean and free of polish, no artificial nails of any kind.
10. Good grooming and personal hygiene must be maintained; this includes regular Bathing, using antiperspirants/deodorant and good oral hygiene

11.  Avoid using perfumes, aftershave and other scented products as many people have allergies and sensitivities to these products



This burgundy polo-style shirt must be purchased through the Morningside bookstore and is to be worn for all lab classes throughout the program. This shirt is required starting in Semester 1 for all students.

Students are required to wear the Practical Nursing Program uniform while working in the clinical areas. Uniforms cannot be worn when travelling to and from the clinical setting in accordance with College of Nurses of Ontario’s Infection Prevention and Control Practice Standard (2009). Change rooms and lockers will be provided at the clinical agencies. Nursing uniforms will be required beginning in Semester 2.


Burgundy from MOBB-This uniform must be purchased from our supplier as per below and includes the Centennial College crest and logo on the sleeve of the uniform.

Red Cotton Uniforms 445 Midwest Rd. Unit 24 Scarborough, Ontario M1P 4Y8 416-755-6155

Email: redcotton2010@hotmail.com

Hours: Monday- Friday 0930-530 Saturday-10-5 Sunday-Closed Code for Top: Burgundy 310 Code for Bottom: Burgundy 307

To maintain good hygiene practices and infection control precautions, we strongly advise that students purchase two min of 2 uniforms, to ensure a fresh and clean uniform is available for each clinical day of practice.


Footwear and hosiery

· Designated footwear is to be used only within clinical agencies.

· Clean, low-heeled white duty shoes; laced or loafers; leather or vinyl uppers with crepe or rubber soles; running shoes may be worn if they are used only for clinical; must be entirely white with no color stripes or markings/logos

· White or beige-colored stockings; white ankle socks

Sweaters, Warm-up Jackets

· White cardigans, or warm-up jackets that match uniforms may be worn. Please remove these sweaters or warm-up jackets prior to giving direct patient care.

Jewelry, Make-up and Personal Hygiene

· A plain gold wedding band, watch with a second hand and stud earrings may be worn; hoop earrings are not to be worn as they are a safety hazard. No other visible jewelry/piercings are permitted.

· Students may be asked to cover visible tattoos

· Hair longer than shoulder length must be tied back

· Fingernails must be kept short, clean and free of polish

· Good grooming and personal hygiene must be maintained; this includes regular bathing, use of deodorants/antiperspirants and good oral hygiene

· Avoid using perfumes, aftershave and other scented products as many people have allergies and sensitivities to these products


If a uniform is not worn, you may be required to leave and make up time on a later date.


Photo I.D.

Centennial College photo identification should be either worn or on your person at all times on college property and during clinical practice. Photo I.D. pictures will be taken during Semester 1 via https://myphoto.centennialcollege.ca/


  1. Ministry of Colleges and Universities. (2020). Graduate and Employer KPI Surveys 2020-2021 Cycle Operating Procedures.


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Student handbook - Program 9352 Fall 2023 Copyright © 2023 by Centennial College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.