2.10 Correctional Case Management

The Correctional Process

The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) oversees an offender’s correctional process through several stages:

The Process includes:

  • An Assessment
  • Security Classification
  • The Correctional Plan
  • Case Management
  • Preparation for Release
  • Community Corrections
  • Warrant expiry (end of the sentence)
Figure 2.6.1 Photo by Carles Rabada on Unsplash

Case Management

Case management is an ongoing process. It has many components to it and includes assessing, and supervising offenders throughout their sentence.

Each inmate is assigned a Case Management Team which includes:

  • a Correctional Officer
  • a Parole Officer
  • a Manager of Assessment and Intervention
  • an Aboriginal Liaison Officer (if applicable)
  • an Elder (if applicable)

The team members work together to support the inmate’s rehabilitation efforts.  They develop and evaluate the inmate’s behaviour, work performance and progress they are making in their correctional plan.


  • Government of Canada. (2019, January). The Correctional Process. Correctional Service  Canada. https://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/publications/005007-3011-en.shtml


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