2.16 Closure, Terminating the Case

In monitoring services and following the client – closure and termination of a case is a normal component when working in the Human Services system.

There are many reasons a case can be terminated.

  • The individual and the case manager agree the individual is ready to move on
  • The individual dies or moves away
  • The funding source will no longer finance service or a program
  • The individual no longer wants the services
  • You cannot find the individual

Not all clients will leave case management.  A child/adult with special needs may need services for life or other special needs assistance that will need help.  Depending on the agency this will mandate how Monitoring Services and Terminating the Case will play out.


Figure 2.12.1 – Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash

The Emotional Process when Ending the Client/Worker relationship

Leaving anything can be challenging and when leaving services that have been collaborative it is not unheard of to feel sad about leaving people that have supported you and have had a positive work environment.  For many people this may be the first time they’ve been able to be part of this process.

Occasionally people will regress in order to not have to leave services.  It is important to recognize what is going on for the client and the underlying emotions that they are having.  This might have been one of the only supportive relationships that they experienced and therefore do not want to let it go.  It is important though for termination to happen in a healthy way.

Having worked in this field for many years, it continues to amaze me how surprised clients are to be emotional on the last day working with a Case Management or an Addictions Counsellor.  There are many different reasons for this.  I’ve had clients ask their parents / family if they could have a word with me and let them know he’ll be out in a couple of minutes and as soon as they close the door the client has tears and is shocked at how hard it is to say goodbye.  Some of them are coming back as Outpatients but are still emotional.  Part of this is they haven’t said good-bye before, for some they love who they’ve become and don’t want to leave in case they lose their way.

The feelings are real – Denise Halsey

Termination in Counseling & Psychotherapy.  By: Russ Curtis, Ph.D., Professor of Counseling


Tasks required by a Case Manager when terminating a client

When it is time to terminate services with a client, it can be challenging but there is an important reason for it to happen.  In the final interview it is important to summarize all that has been accomplished and reasons for the termination.

A discussion, sense of reassurance is important, allowing questions and answers.  Going over all the gains and accomplishments that the client has obtained.  It is also important to go over where the client is going when they leave this services.  They may be joining self-help groups or other services that they’ve progressed to.

Termination –  the action of bringing something or coming to an end

Closure – an act or process of closing something, especially an institution, thoroughfare, or frontier, or of being closed.

As professionals who do case management termination is one of the tough parts.  It is important to equip ourselves and our client that this will be happening. The clients that we will work with have come to our agency for assistance and part of this will be when we support them through a healthy termination and progress to the next step.  It’s important to have this part of the process.

Picture represents the # of people we will work with in our time as Case Managers or Counsellors 

Figure 2.12.2 – Photo by Eugenio Mazzone on Unsplash


  • Waldman, S. (2020, October 26). Saying Goodbye: The Importance of Termination in Therapy. Bridges Therapist Directory for Asian Americans in NYC. https://bridgesmentalhealth.com/2020/10/26/saying-goodbye-the-importance-of-termination-in-therapy/
  • Sutton, J., PhD. (2022, August 21). Termination in Therapy: The Art of Gently Letting Clients Go. PositivePsychology.com. https://positivepsychology.com/termination-in-therapy/
  • Russ Curtis, Ph.D., Professor of Counseling. (2021, November 5). Termination in Counseling & Psychotherapy. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3uhrJDTEFw


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