2.17 Key Terms Study Guide

Figure 2.13.1 – Wordart by Denise Halsey

The material in this chapter are the core of being an effective Case Manager.  Once you understand the important knowledge base, skills and guidelines for case management you will have a solid foundation for understanding how to be an effective case manager.  You may be familiar with these terms, but If you are not familiar with the terms below, I recommend you download this study sheet, add more spaces to write in definitions and relevant information (or make flashcards) as you read the chapter and watch videos.

  1. Anti-Oppressive Practice
  2. Anti-Racism
  3. Biological Theory
  4. Biological Dimension
  5. Biopsychosocial Plus Model
  6. Case manager
  7. Client
  8. Closure, Terminating the Case
  9. Consumer
  10. Correctional / Incarcerated
  11. Cultural Competence
  12. Cultural Dimension
  13. Drug Treatment Court (DTC)
  14. Ecological Framework
  15. Ecological Model – Micro, Meso & Maco Levels
  16. Families
  17. Harm Reduction
  18. Independence
  19. Indigenous
  20. Indigenous Worldviews
  21. Individuals
  22. Interviewing Skills
  23. MAP (Managed Alcohol Prevention)
  24. MMT (Methadone Maintenance Treatment)
  25. Monitoring
  26. Patient
  27. Peer
  28. Populations
  29. Psychological Dimension
  30. Resources
  31. Service Plan
  32. Screening & Assessment
  33. Seniors
  34. Skills
  35. Social Histories
  36. Social Dimension
  37. Spiritual Dimension
  38. Suboxone
  39. Support
  40. Systems Theory
  41. Withdrawal Management


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Exploring Systems Navigation and Select Population Copyright © by Denise Halsey and Sunil Boodhai is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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