
Appendix B: Experiential Learning Examples

Is it Experiential Learning?

Scenario 1: FLIP to China

A faculty member in the School of Hospitality, Tourism and Culinary Arts has worked closely with the Services and Global Experiences team to develop a Faculty-Led Internship Program (FLIP) during which students will be able to apply the skills they have been learning. Culinary Arts students will be going, accompanied by a faculty member, to China to visit several hotels and restaurants and assist in preparing meals with notable chefs. Students who participate will receive bonus credit towards a course in the program. Faculty and SaGE will promote the opportunity and process applications for the 20 available spots on a first-come-first-served basis.

Scenario 2: Consulting Project

A faculty member who teaches a mandatory data analytics course as part of the Data Analytics and Insight program in The Business School has partnered with the Toronto Police Services to develop a class project. The project enables students to apply data analytics to a real situation. The class was divided into 12 teams of 4 to 5 students. Each team worked independently on developing and designing additional metrics based on the data provided and their review of other police departments for the Business Intelligence Analytics Unit with the goal of improving Toronto safety.[1] The project contributes to the student’s grade in the course and demonstrates achievement of learning outcomes.


  1. Adapted from Concordia University x Toronto Police Services Case Study. Concordia University (n.d.) Experiential Learning, Dr. Danielle Morin. Retrieved from https://www.concordia.ca/academics/experiential-learning/in-practice/danielle-morin.html


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