
“Career Coaching Techniques: A Guide for Instructors,” copyright © by Rob Straby, was published by Conestoga Open Learning in 2024 and is licensed Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International except where otherwise noted. Any derivative work must include an attribution statement on each page, with a link back to the original work. Please use the following template statement as a guide:

Unless otherwise indicated, this [insert chapter or work description] contains material adapted from “Career Coaching Techniques: A Guide for Instructors” by Rob Straby, published by Conestoga  Open Learning in 2024, and is used under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. Download and access this OER for free at Career Coaching Techniques: A Guide for Instructors.

Book cover designed by Cecile Monique Michniewicz, Instructional Designer, Open Education Resources. Cover image: Photo by Jess Bailey from Unsplash, used under the Unsplash License.

“Life-Role Analysis” and “Creating Self-Portraits” are methods originally developed by Kris Magnusson, now at Simon Fraser University, and Dave E. Redekopp, currently with the Life-Role Development Group Ltd.

The “Five Critical Career Counselling Processes” is a model developed by Kris Magnusson.

This material is adapted with permission from the Life-Role Development Group Ltd. Contact the Life-Role Development Group Ltd. for more information:


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