
Through the poignant story of Haven, who faced unexpected career upheaval, this chapter illustrates the profound impact of empathetic and strategic career counselling. Readers will gain insights into the transformative power of storytelling, the importance of micro-skills in career counselling, and the need for a trauma-informed approach. By understanding these foundational elements, career professionals can better support individuals in navigating career challenges, fostering resilience, and achieving meaningful professional growth. This chapter provides practical tools and underscores the emotional and psychological aspects of career transitions, making it a valuable resource for enhancing your practice as a career coach and positively impacting your clients’ lives.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

  1. Use metaphors and storytelling to apply career theory to practice
  2. Describe how to use microskills in career counselling.
  3. Define the terms trauma and trauma-informed communication.
  4. Discuss how and why career development professionals should adopt a trauma-informed approach.
  5. Outline and describe the five career-helping processes model.
  6. Identify the six outcomes of an effective career conversation.



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