22 Tips for Increasing Effectiveness
Below are 10 tips to help you connect with your students. This information has been compiled from Brookfield (1990) and from a series of workshops offered through the CPI.
- Arrive in class ten minutes ahead of time
You want to be available to students with specific questions. Reward the eager students by always being there early for them. According to Lorne Adams of Physical Education, showing a little interest in your students at the start of the seminar or lab can turn any potential enemies into classroom allies. - Greet your students
Greeting your students can set a positive tone for the seminar or lab. Greeting your students can assist in the building of a positive learning environment and encourage a welcoming classroom climate. - Empathize with your students
Many students see TAs and faculty as people for whom learning is easy. Talking to them about past difficulties and your own learning struggles can help alleviate their anxiety. Inform them you are there for them and that you understand their struggles. Encourage them to share any anxieties about the course with you during your office hours. - Find out about teaching and learning preferences
We tend to teach the way we learn best, but what is best for us is not necessarily best for our students! Make an effort to vary your teaching style so that all learning needs are met. - Use a variety of teaching aids
You can use audio/visual materials, props, guest speakers, PowerPoint, Brightspace, etc. If you make the class more interesting, the attendance will be greater. The CPI offers a wide variety of workshops on using technology in the classroom. Talk to other TAs and Instructors about instructional techniques. - Personalize the students’ learning
Ask students for personal examples that can reflect or relate to the topic or readings. Share your own stories. This allows the students to open up on a topic they are familiar with and they will begin to relate to each other. - Strongly encourage all students who are not doing well or who might be ‘at risk’ in your class to come and see you
Showing a personal interest in your students’ performance could motivate them to try harder. If you can find out what exactly is wrong (they do not understand the assignments, they have writing difficulties, etc.), you might be able to help them deal with it (see the Resources section). - Be careful about grading procedures
Clearly define what is being assessed as well as how it will be assessed. Define all aspects of the grading scheme (if you get up to 10% for participation, define what participation means). PS: Grading and assessment is discussed more in section four. - Have fun!
Keep a sense of humour so that everyone can enjoy the seminar or lab. If you approach your work as fun, your students will learn more and look forward to coming to class. - Work towards supporting all your students
There may be the occasional student who annoys you, angers you or frustrates you. Remember that you are reacting to what they do and say, not to who they are. Remember to view the student’s situation in relation to everything else and not to be too quick to pass judgment. If the student says something offensive, for instance, tell the student it is inappropriate and why, but do not view the student as the “bad-mouther” in the future; view the student as the one who stated something that was inappropriate as an isolated incident (maybe they had a bad day, they were nervous to be away from home, they are physically sick, they had a fight with someone just before coming to class).
Teaching assistants should consistently teach in a manner that is accessible to all students. Every student will bring his or her own experiences, learning preferences, and personalities into a classroom, and teaching assistants who teach according to these differences have a huge impact on student learning.