5 TA Programs
The TA Workshop Series at the Center for Pedagogical Innovation provides ongoing professional development opportunities for Brock Teaching Assistants, Lab Demonstrators, Course Coordinators, Marker-Graders, and Seminar Leaders. Each workshop offers an opportunity to explore topics related to teaching and learning as part of Brock’s TA community.
Participation in workshops earns TAs credits towards the available TA Certificates in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.
TA Workshop Program
The CPI offers a series of workshops on teaching and learning of specific interest to teaching assistants.
Sample topics include:
- Relationship Building in Higher Education
- Trauma-Informed Pedagogy
- Instructional Strategies
- Active Learning Strategies
Workshop topics are advertised every semester. Please find CPI Workshops website. You are welcome to attend any workshop at any time, simply by registering for the session with the Centre for Pedagogical Innovation.
TA Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
The CPI offers a certificate program for teaching assistants interested in attending a series of workshops.
OPTION ONE: TA Certification requires participation in 8 workshops offered throughout the year.
OPTION TWO: Advanced Certification requires achievement of the TA Certificate and participation in an additional 8 workshops as well as the submission of a statement of teaching philosophy.
All Brock teaching assistants are invited to attend any of the workshops offered throughout the year.
Teaching assistants who enroll in the Certification Program receive a certificate at the end of the academic year, presented during the TA Reception, hosted by the Vice-President, Academic and the Centre for Pedagogical Innovation. Teaching assistants earning the Advanced Certificate are also invited to participate in Faculty workshops.
Benefits of Participation in the TA Certification Program:
- gaining practical hands-on strategies for dealing with potential challenges in seminars and labs.
- meeting with TAs from other disciplines and sharing ideas with them.
- documenting your commitment to teaching excellence – a certificate provides evidence of your professional development.
Graduate Teaching Assistant Practicum
The Graduate Teaching Assistant Practicum is a self-directed certificate program for professional development in university teaching.
The Graduate Teaching Assistant Practicum is completed by completing one component from each A, B, and C, detailed below:
A. Professional development choices
- Workshops*
- Each workshop attended can be applied to meet the requirements of the GTA Practicum or the TA Certificate in Teaching and Learning (eight workshop credits required for the Basic certificate and 16 for the Advanced).
- ISW (24-hour Instructional Skills Workshop)
- Teaching and learning course
B. Teaching Assessment
- Teaching Component
- Participants design, develop and deliver two classes (workshops, lectures, seminars) which are observed by a teaching and learning consultant from CPI. Participants meet with the observer before the class to articulate learning objectives and delivery strategies. Following the class, participant and the observer meet a second time to discuss the class and identify areas of strength and improvement. Students are expected to draft a 2-3 page reflection piece on the class, identifying critical incidents and opportunities for further reflection.
- ISW (24-hour Instructional Skills Workshop)
C. Two Teaching Observations /commentary
- Participants observe two lectures, seminars, or classes facilitated by a veteran instructor. Each observation is to be accompanied by a reflective statement identifying what was observed in terms of instructional strategies used and learning outcomes obtained.
Note: Each component above will be reflected and documented through the compilation of a teaching dossier.
* Subject to approval, Institutional Partners whose workshops may contribute to the GTA practicum:
Please contact the Educational Development team at to assist you in this process and document your success.
Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW)
The Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) Program is a comprehensive three-tiered instructor development program that serves as the foundation for several professional development activities. The Instructional Skills Workshop is offered within a small group setting and is designed to enhance the teaching effectiveness of both new and experienced educators. During the 3-day (24-hour) workshop, participants design and conduct three “micro-teaching” opportunities and receive verbal, written and video feedback from the other participants who have been learners in that micro-teaching session.
Using an intensive experiential learning approach, participants are provided with information on the theory and practice of teaching adult learners, the selection and writing of useful learning objectives with accompanying lesson plans, techniques for eliciting learner participation, and suggestions for evaluation of learning. The workshop encourages reflection and examination of one’s teaching practices with feedback focused on the learning process rather than on the specific content of the lesson. Effective feedback skills, practiced in the workshop, are useful for educators in the classroom and also as they conduct their regular institutional business.
The ISW engenders participatory learning and the building of community that can transfer back into the classroom and the institution. Participation in a workshop creates an opportunity for new faculty and teaching assistants (TAs) to learn about the unique culture and value system of the organization and can also be a renewing and revitalizing activity for more seasoned members. Added benefits are a sense of collegiality, team building, self-discovery, and learning new approaches to working with others.
Interested in participating in an upcoming ISW? Complete the CPI Instructional Skills Workshop form to request to join the next workshops. Your participation will be confirmed by email by a member of the CPI team.