

10 Preparing and Teaching the First Class

First class is paramount important because students form an impression of the teacher and the course in the very beginning. This varies throughout the term but it’s important to think about how you present yourself and the course in that session. The first class is also a great opportunity for you to get to know your students, set the tone for a respectful and caring learning environment, and establish expectations.

Here are some things to think about as you head into the first week/class with your students.

Before the First Class

  • Familiarize yourself with the course syllabus, including learning objectives, assignments, due dates, etc.
  • Ask the instructor of the course if you have any questions so that you can fully understand your responsibilities and their expectations. Reviewing these documents will allow you to understand when in the term you will have more responsibilities (such as marking essays/assignments) or less.
  • Go to your assigned lab or classroom before you teach and examine the physical layout of the room or laboratory.
  • Speak to the Instructor about participation evaluation on seminars and lab and activities for the first class.
  • Get a class roster and find out if there are any attendance policies you need to know.
  • Think about what you will say when you introduce yourself.
  • Think about the expectations students can have of you related to communication (e.g., how long will it take you to respond to emails, how will you book appointments, etc.).
  • Review the course LMS (Learning Management System) page. You can ask the Instructor for the LMS access if you do not have it.
  • Set your office hours for the term according to your contract and communication with the instructor.
  • Familiarize yourself with important policies such as the policies on Accessibility (AODA), Respectful Work and Learning Environment, and more on the Brock Policies page.

During the First Class

    • Introduce yourself and share about your background, interests, and expectations. First class is a great opportunity to set clear expectations around communication (e.g. how soon can students expect an email response, when/where are your office hours, etc).
    • Check the class roster against those in attendance.
    • Plan an opening activity. Opening activities are an opportunity for you to get to know your students and for them to get to know each other.
    • Establish a community agreement and work to create a positive learning environment. Consider creating a classroom agreement that outlines expectations around behaviours, participation, inclusive practices, and communication among the group (find more on how to develop community agreement in Creating a Learning Community chapter).
    • Be clear on evaluation. Give them a clear explanation of how they can achieve a grade (e.g. an “A” or “B”) towards classroom participation (find more in Grading Participation and Assignments)
      IMPORTANT: Talk to your instructor! They may have a system they want all teaching assistants to use.
    • Bring materials to have students create name tags. This can also be a great use of time if you are nervous and need to regroup. This is a place you can have an opportunity to learn your students’ names and how to pronounce them.
    • If you are nervous remind yourself to slow down and repeat yourself for clarity. Have an activity (or two) prepared in case you are nervous and need a second to breathe/regroup (or if you are not getting much participation). Activities could include: Think-Pair-Share, drawing, concept maps, etc. (Find more in Opening Activities, Icebreakers, and Energizers and Facilitating More Active Learning chapters)
    • Provide opportunities for students to ask questions. HINT: Instead of saying “Does anyone have any questions?” Ask, “What are your questions on this?” and “What do you need more clarification about?”
    • End class on time, but don’t end early. This is valuable time to get students excited for the course!
    • Review the classroom agreement: During the first class it is nice to establish a group agreement. This involves the students listing what aspects/behaviours are important to be maintained in the classroom. This is a list that can be referred back to at any time throughout the term.

After the First Class

Immediately after class, jot down any questions or concerns you have about the course so you can talk to the instructor and/or other teaching assistants about them.

Reflect on the class:

  • How do you feel about the class?
  • Do you believe you communicated the material you needed to/planned to?
  • What do you need to revisit in the next class?
  • What aspects of inclusion will need to be emphasized?
  • What went well?
  • What will you continue to do?
  • What could be improved?
  • Do you need to comment on anything next class?

Want more information?

You can find other resources to support your first class in the following chapters


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