
Grading, Assessment, and Feedback

39 Marking for Labs

Lab demonstrators may be required to grade many different types of work including, but not limited to lab reports (formal or informal, quizzes, research proposals, and exams.

In most cases, the Senior Lab Demonstrator or Course Instructor will provide you with a marking scheme. If you have any questions about the marking scheme, seek clarification from the instructor early to ensure consistency in grading practices among the Lab Demonstrators.

Criteria for Marking Labs

Maissan suggests that Lab Demonstrators look for the following when marking:

  • correct answers,
  • accuracy in drawings and calculations,
  • clear presentation of data (tables and graphs), and
  • students’ understanding of the concepts demonstrated through their investigation.

Always ensure that students know exactly what is expected on them. Do not assume anything!

Tips for Marking in the Lab Environment

  • Be consistent with your evaluations. One way to accomplish this is to grade the same question for all students before moving on to the next. Also, complete the grading of one question (section) in one sitting. Maisson says “If you stop evaluating answers to a specific question halfway through, you continue marking in a different space of time, in a different mood that affects the ‘memory’ and consistency of marking between the first and second half of the assignments.”
  • Be sure to mark objectively and fairly. One way to do this is to avoid looking at the name of the student whose assignment you are currently grading in order to avoid any type of bias. “You must judge the answer and not the student.

Lab Collaboration and Identical Labs

Maissan says identical labs are like radar, “they find you, you don’t have to look for them!”

Students will often work together during a lab session, but are expected to submit their own, unique reports unless otherwise stated. When students submit identical lab reports for grading, this is considered plagiarism and must be taken seriously.

Some examples of plagiarism you may come across as a Lab Demonstrator include:

  • copying any portion of a lab report (text, tables, figures) from another student,
  • permitting another student to copy one’s report,
  • preparation of a lab report using data not collected by the student, and
  • the use of direct quotations or large amounts of paraphrased information without providing appropriate in-text citations.

It is best to stop the opportunity for plagiarism before it happens. Familiarize yourself with the University’s policy on plagiarism and pass this information on to your students. For more information, read ETHICS AND INTEGRITY chapter.

If you do receive identical reports stop marking them and inform the Senior Lab Demonstrator who will then address the matter in compliance with the departmental and university policies.

Common FAQs About Marking in the Lab Environment

What do you do if a student says that they handed in a lab or quiz but they do not get it back?

This is a matter for the Senior Lab Demonstrator or Instructor to handle.

  • You can ask other students if they might have accidentally picked up the report.
  • You may also check your records to see if the student did hand in a report (if a system is in place in which submissions are recorded)
  • If the student report is not located the student must be directed to the Senior Lab Demonstrator who will determine how to handle this matter.

Should students be allowed to have make-up labs and quizzes?

This is another matter that is not directly handled by Lab Demonstrators.

If a student requests a make-up assignment, direct them to contact the Senior Lab Demonstrator or Instructor. If a student misses a lab for a valid reason (i.e. illness, emergency, etc.) they must immediately notify the Senior Lab Demonstrator or Instructor.

How do you evaluate the labs and quizzes of special needs students?

The Student Development Centre informs the Senior Lab Demonstrator of any students with learning disabilities or special requirements at the onset of the course.

This information will not be directly passed on to individual Lab Demonstrators from the Student Development Centre. Instead, the Senior Lab Demonstrator or Instructor will inform you of student requirements when needed.

Thanks to Cailin Rothwell, Biological Sciences, for reviewing and updating this section originally developed by senior Lab Demonstrator, Ellen Maissan, Biology. Thank you also to Stephanie Martin for additional comments.


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