33 Facilitation Methods with Movement
Each student processes and engages with course content differently. What works for one student, may not engage another student. The dynamic and level of engagement will also vary between seminars.
As the facilitator, it is your job to be aware of this fact and to stimulate discussion and engagement that incorporates different ways of learning and different group dynamics. Utilizing a more active facilitation method will provide your students with variety and may spark new and different connections to the course content.
In facilitating classes with movement, you need to take into consideration the accessibility needs of each learner. All bodies function differently and their accessibility needs might be different at different times.
You can try these strategies to use your classroom space and get your students moving.
Value Line
The facilitator creates a value line in the classroom by asking questions to which the answer is agree or disagree. If students agree with the statement they stay on the line, if they disagree, they move off of the line. For maximum effect have the students do this silently, taking note of who is standing around them. This can ignite discussion or follow discussion.
Graffiti Walk
The facilitator has students engage in discussion in small “Buzz Groups” meaning that students will record their responses on flipchart paper, sticky notes, or a whiteboard. Afterward, students will post their responses and complete a Graffiti Walk where they move around the room and read other groups’ responses.
Concentric Circles
The facilitator develops questions to be discussed while the students stand in two concentric circles. The students arrange themselves into two circles; a smaller, inner circle and a larger, outer circle. The questions are posed one at a time to the outer circle while the inner circle actively listens to the responses and discussion. The process is then repeated with the inner circle responding and the outer circle actively listening.
TIP: This method is particularly helpful for students who need a little more time to respond. Each circle spends time actively listening while another set of students responds and discusses.
Role Playing
The facilitator chooses an appropriate situation or problem that can be acted out. The group collectively defines the roles and general characteristics of each player and then enacts a scene. Selection can be done randomly or by volunteers. The facilitator observes specific behaviors, underlying forces, or emotional reactions.
Outside of Classrooms
Learning can happen in different places and settings. If the weather allows, you can take your class on a walk-and-talk or try creating concentric circles under the shade of a tree. If appropriate you could also visit Brock’s Labyrinth. Find more information about the Labyrinth in the link.