Grading, Assessment, and Feedback
40 Exams
Proctoring Exams: General Tips and Procedures
(CPI thanks Astride Silis, Earth Sciences, and the Registrar’s Office for this information)
Progress and Final exams are scheduled by the Registrar’s office. The large enrollment classes (usually first year courses) often have their exams held in the gyms. Progress Exams are held for full year courses in December and Final exams are held during the month of April.
Be aware that exams can be scheduled on Saturdays and in evenings so you may be asked to come in and proctor at odd times.
Proctoring an exam is included in part of the duties assigned to Marker Graders, TAs and Lab Demonstrators. Depending on whether you are proctoring a course-scheduled midterm or test during the term or an exam scheduled by the Registrar, there may be different procedures you need to follow. Always clarify what the Instructor would like to have you do as proctor before the exam starts.
There are three stages to the exam that are common to all exams and are important to be aware of.
A. Setup
For official exams, the Registrar requests that instructors are at the exam site at least 30 minutes before the start of the exam to set up materials and to answer questions from students. You may be asked to help set out the following materials:
- Exam question papers
- Official exam booklets
- Scantron sheets
- “Sign-in cards”
- Any additional materials that may be allowed
If exams have assigned or randomized seating, the “sign-in cards” will have individual seats designated by row letter and seat number on a sticker on the back of the card. Make sure you shuffle the cards before the students come in. Hand out an individual card to each student. Reiterate often that they must check their seat and row number and sit in their assigned seats.
B. Proctoring DURING the Exam
It’s usually a good idea to have a proctor near one of the entrances for the first 10-15 minutes of the exam to direct any latecomers to seats and/or assist with directions that might have been missed. This also minimizes disruptions to students already writing.
During progress and final exams, the first fifteen minutes should also be the time when proctors begin to collect the sign-in cards. Make sure to check cards are filled in the information matches the student card and the student themselves. Always check with the Instructor as each may have their own procedure and timeline for collecting and organizing the “sign-in cards.”
You may be asked to assist with washroom duty for students as students are not permitted to leave the exam room and re-enter unescorted.
During the rest of the exam it is your job to remain alert to any questions that may arise. Periodically walking around the room, up and down the aisles, will encourage any students that may have questions to bring them up as you walk by. It will also work as a deterrent to anyone trying to cheat.
Remember, this is a stressful time for your students, be as supportive as possible and call over the Instructor if you are unsure on how to answer a question.
C. Collecting Exams
As the end of the allotted time approaches more and more students will being to hand in their examination. Stay focused and make sure that no student leaves the exam room without handing in their exam.
Exam Booklets:
- Have the student insert ALL loose papers and exam booklets into ONE exam booklet so that all the pieces are kept together.
- Double check that the student has filled in the required information on the front of the booklet (name, student number, course code, date).
- When collecting make sure that they are all face up and in the same direction so the machine will read them correctly
- As students hand in the exam, check that their names are on the sheet, their student IDs are written in, and their Student IDs are bubbled in. If one or more items are missing, politely ask them to fill in the information before they leave. Have extra pencils on hand to lend so this can be done quickly.
- Also make sure the scantron is filled in with PENCIL. If anything is in pen, ask them to write their answers on a fresh scantron sheet.
- If scantron has large erasure marks or blotches, ask students to circle the answer they want marked, and put the sheet aside (i.e. bottom of pile) so it is easy to find again later.
- Make sure you separate scantrons and question papers in distinct piles. Often question papers are sent directly to the shredder. You do not want to be responsible for accidentally leaving a scantron among a question paper set and then having it shredded!